Chapter Six

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"MoonEx to Nathan." Borgina called out, forcing him to return to the present.

"You should take a shower and grab a bite." She stated, knowing he liked to delay on those.

"The med team will be here for your morning shot in fifteen minutes." She added.

"Not interested in dried, tasteless fiber." He replied.

"Sorry, sweetie but you're going to have to eat it."

"Like you can make me." He retorted, stubbornly.

"Come on, Nathan. I know you've been through a lot but you can't be like this right now. You can't take the shot on an empty stomach."

"Why not?"

"It will knock you out. Please... for me."

Nathan swayed from side to side as he made his way to the bathroom. He knew Borgina was right but she needed to see his displeasure with MoonEx. He hated the food but he hated the shots even more. They made him dizzy and nauseous for some minutes after the injection, only to produce a false feeling of happiness afterwards.

"Why should preventive medicine make anyone happy?"

"I am not authorized to reveal that information. Please ask a different question." Borgina repied.

He did not realize he had asked that question out loud. It was supposed to be just a thought in his head but his surprise at himself was a lot less than his surprise at Borgina's response. If she had no information regarding his question, she would simply have said so. Saying the response was unauthorized told him there was something the Ruling Council and whoever else ran MoonEx was trying to hide.

"It's okay, Borgina. It was more of a rhetorical question." He replied, stepping into the bathroom and turning the shower on.

As the water rolled down his body, his mind went back to the conversation he just had with Borgina. It was clear to him that she had chosen to keep that information from him. What she said about being unauthorized to disclose the information was total bull. She had broken several rules in the course of their long relationship and knowing her, the information was probably something that would hurt him in some way or make him feel bad. He knew trying to uncover that particular bit was probably not in his best interest and decided not to pursue it further. He also knew that there were other things the Ruling Council were trying hard to conceal from everyone else but whatever it was, he was prepared to find out.

** Can you guess what's going on? I'd love to hear your theories. Leave your thoughts in the comments section and vote if you feel this chapter deserves it. Until tomorrow, cheerios. **

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