Chapter Thirty Four

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"Stop throwing a temper tantrum, Borgina." Nurse Reese yelled. "You're going to hurt him."

Nathan was beginning to gasp for air. Tears were welling up in his eyes as his cells struggled for the insufficient Oxygen in his system. He fell on one knee and tried to feel his surroundings for anything that could provide support.

"You know you're being pathetic. It's never truly dark here and I certainly don't need Oxygen to survive." Nurse Reese continued.

There was silence. It seemed everything in Nathan's apartment, including Borgina had shut down.

"Suit yourself." 

Nurse Reese finally accepted defeat and walked out, leaving Nathan alone in the apartment.

Nathan's eyelids slowly closed shut. He saw himself in the green fields of Earth, lying against the grass with his face to the morning sun. His girlfriend, Brooke lay beside him, also smiling at the sun. It was a very simple gesture, one that Nathan might have taken for granted under different circumstances. However, after spending time in the artificial atmosphere of MoonEx, lying in the morning sun gave him the most beautiful feeling in the world. Right there, Nathan was truly happy.

** Dun, dun, dun... Short chapter, I know. Sorry. *covers face* Can you guess what's happening here? Vote if you think this story deserves it and don't forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments section. **

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