Chapter Sixty Five

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Just as Nurse Reese had predicted, the soldiers walked into Nathan's apartment about an hour after the incident. They found him fast asleep on his bed.

"243 is in his apartment." One of the soldiers spoke into the communication device he was holding.

Nathan waited for them to leave before getting up from his bed to meet Borgina's cross stare.

"I know you're pissed and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run out like that but I'm safe."

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"My spyware located a ship entering the colony and I wanted to see if it was Colonel Ford. It turned out to be MoonEx soldiers preparing for another missile launch." He lied.

He knew there was going to be another launch soon from the conversation he overheard. That should validate his lie to Borgina.

"Where are you headed now?" She asked, noticing he was grabbing his jacket.

"To the weapon factory. Navigation systems are needed for the launch." He smiled.

"Alright. See you later." She replied.

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