Chapter Twenty Two

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Nathan got into the Rover and strapped himself in. Half way through the ride, the feeling of happiness began to fade away. He heard the soldiers communicating in their ambiguous code again. He tried to tune them out but they repeated one set of code that held his attention longer than he would have wanted.

38 Durban 8719 North, 77 Durban 0563 West.

It was the same code referenced by the soldiers the last time he went to the central auditorium. The fact that these were not the same soldiers from the last ride told Nathan there was something going on with that code. It was important to the Ruling Council somehow and he needed to find out why.

When Nathan got out of the Rover, it was straight to work at the greenhouse. It wasn't much of a greenhouse in its current state to be quite honest, judging from the pieces of wood and tarpaulin scattered around.

"Welcome, everyone. My name is Alan. I'm a Botanist and have been working with greenhouses for twelve years. I've been assigned leader of this team and would like you all to split into groups of three." One of the men addressed the small crowd.

"Alan Ludwig?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"In the flesh." He replied with a smile.

"I can't believe it!" The man who asked screamed. "I have the utmost respect for you, man. You inspired me to become the man I am today."

"I'm happy to hear that, but it feels like a different life now. Let's make this one count." Alan replied.

Everyone grouped themselves in threes and awaited further instructions from Alan. While they were there, some people asked who the Alan guy was. Those who knew him said he was a Nobel Prize Winner for a breakthrough discovery in biological engineering back on Earth. Nathan had never heard of the guy. What struck him at that moment was not Alan's achievements but the fact that he was there.

Mentioning who Alan was jolted something in Nathan's memory. Back at the central auditorium, he had recognized two people. Both of them were accomplished geniuses in their fields and it didn't feel like a coincidence to find out Alan was a Nobel Prize Winner for an ingenious achievement.

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