percy and thalia

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During the reunion in Mark of Athena. The Hunters come to visit, and Thalia and Percy get into an argument in the Field of Mars, during the afternoon.

Thalia and Percy were yelling at each other. Neither knew what they were angry about, exactly, but it was a good enough reason to be arguing.

Thalia raised her hand in fury and slapped Percy across the cheek. Percy looked shocked, and there were slap lines across his cheek. Without thinking about it, he slapped Thalia back.

That was how it went- slap, slap, slap, slap, until Thalia paused.

"It's wrong to hit a girl," she accused Percy, who assumed a confused look.

Percy looked to his left, then his right, then back at Thalia. "Who said you were a girl?" he asked, purposely getting Thalia even more angry. Thalia got very red in the face.

"You did not..." she muttered, then shoved Percy in the chest. He took a step back, eyebrow raised. Both of his cheeks were red from her slaps. Then she jumped him, knocking him to the ground and pinning him down. Percy squirmed, trying to get away before Thalia released her full fury on him. It was fruitless.

Thalia leaned down and muttered, "Annabeth told me where you're ticklish." Percy's eyes widened in horror. Thalia then went on the attack, tickling him wherever she could.

Percy squirmed and laughed hysterically. "Thalia... please... stop..." he squirmed even more, trying to escape the torture. He was trying to throw her off, but it was kind of hard throwing a well-built girl off you when you can't even breath. "Thalia!"

Thalia took the opportunity to up the tickling. "Say you're sorry for questioning my gender," she said while attacking his stomach. He didn't answer, because he couldn't, so she tickled harder. Percy laugh/screamed in protest.

"I'm... sorry..." he gasped. "For... questioning... your gender..."

Thalia stopped tickling and loomed over him. "Are you sure?"

Percy nodded frantically. "I'm sorry," he repeated.

Somebody coughed.

Thalia spun around, still keeping Percy pinned under her. A small crowd had gathered behind them during the tickling session. Reyna stood in the front, arms crossed, looking displeased. Jason was half a step behind her, his stature was straight as a post, but there was an amused glint in his eye. Hazel, Frank, Octavian, Leo, Piper, and Annabeth were behind them, not knowing whether to laugh or look horrified.

Thalia cleared her throat and blushed. She stood up and gave Percy a hand. He took it gratefully and stood up, catching his breath. "Sorry," she mumbled. Percy shook his head, saying it was okay. "We should...go," she continued, watching the crowd of demigods.

"Yeah," Percy agreed. "And just so you know," he lowered his voice, so only Thalia could hear, "somebody had to ask the question."

Thalia spun around and slapped him across the face. Percy took refuge behind an angry Reyna.

Reyna glared at the two demigods. "What was that about?"

Thalia waved a careless hand. "Oh, just a little family spout," she said cheerfully.

Percy rolled his eyes.


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