Connor and Travis (after the battle of the labyrinth)

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Connor and Travis hid behind the Delphi Strawberry Service van parked in the driveway of the Big House. They were silently cracking up, watching as the entire Ares cabin declared war on the Apollo cabin, who just happened to be completely innocent.

Something caught Connor's eye. At first he thought it was a green snake. Then he realized it was...

A hose.

Connor nudged his brother Travis and silently pointed at the hose. Their eyes got the same mischievous look that the majority of the camp had come to fear.

"Dude, can you imagine what we could do with that thing?" Connor murmured in the other's ear. Travis nodded. One conversation, a bottle of shaving cream, and two Snausages later, the two sons of Hermes came screaming, yelling, running, and generally causing mass panic, into the commons. They climbed up onto a a bench to get everybody's attention.

"Ladies, gentlemen, demigods, nymphs, naiads, satyrs, and monsters of all ages, listen up!" Travis began.

"We have discovered an ingenious invention..." Connor continued. The Athena cabin leaned forward subconsciously. "...But first, everybody needs to get into their bathing suits. Yes, Clarisse, even you. You too, Beckendorf. When you're done, get back here, fast." The campers looked uneasy. The Stolls coming up with an idea that involves bathing suits? A recipe for disaster, if you ask them.

However, everybody except Nico complied and returned to the commons in bathing suits and large t-shirts.

"Alright, guys, listen up!" Connor shouted.

"We have discovered..." Travis paused, causing everyone to lean in, as if to catch the unspoken words, "... a hose!"

Everybody leaned back, disappointed. What was so amazing about a hose? Until they got sprayed.


"Okay, now here's the plan..."

The camp had been transformed into a water world. With Percy's help, the Stoll brothers' genius plan had come alive. A Slip 'n' Slide was set up next to the canoe lake. There was a water slide attached to the canoe lake itself. Several hoses had been hooked up to the camp's water supply. People in control of the hoses: Connor, Travis, Percy, Beckendorf, and several other children of Hermes.

"Let's do this thing!" Percy roared, and the camp cheered. Hey, when you've only got about 80 campers, you can afford to have fun, right?

Everybody started running around, either to go on the Slip 'n' Slide or get away from the line of fire from the hoses. Connor and Travis started experimenting with the different options of water dispersement.

"Ooh, if you do a cone, you can breath inside the water!"

"The full covers the most area..."

"Don't use the jet, you idiot! It hurts!" (Guess who said that. I'll give you a hint- she generally disapproves of Travis and Connor...)

"I see a rainbow!"

"The shower mode is like taking a shower!"

"No shit, Sherlock!"

Then Travis made an astounding discovery. "Oh my gods! Check out the mist one!" He switched the handle to "mist". Immediately, mist filled the air.

"Dude, that's so cool! It's like you're driving, and then-"

"Aaaaaggggggghhhhhhh!" A dark figure appeared on the other side of the mist. It made a painful sound, causing the brothers to jump half a foot in the air. Evil laughter filled the air. Nico stepped out of the mist, cracking up.

"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not, 'cause that was so much fun!" he wheezed.

The two twin-like brothers shared a look. "Attack!" they screamed, and pointed their hoses in Nico's direction. They chased Nico around camp, Travis using the Jet style, Connor using the Shower.

By the time they were done, Nico shook his head like a dog, and water sprayed everywhere. His dark hair hung in his eyes, and he looked positively murderous when he said, "You two are so dead."

From the porch on the Big House, Chiron observed the general chaos that the two sons of Hermes had brought upon the camp.

And he smiled.

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