Reyna and Jason (after the titan war)

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It was hot. Really hot. Reyna had collapsed onto the couch in her house. Jason was splayed out on the floor next to her. His tongue was sticking out like a dog's. Both had ditched their praetor clothing for shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops. Better to suffer together than suffer alone, Reyna had reasoned.

"It's so hot," Jason groaned.

"For the thirty-third time, Jason, I know!" Reyna snapped back.

All camp activities had been canceled. Legionnaires were hiding in the barracks with the shades down, trying to stay cool. It was too hot to do anything.

"I have an idea," Jason said suddenly. "Let's go to the beach!"

Reyna sat up, and Jason copied her actions. "Let's take a minute to think about this logically. Two hundred Romans, on one beach, in bathing suits? I think the heat has gotten to you." Both of them flopped back down.

Three minutes later... "What if we got the Vulcan kids to build this giant fan, and we can stick it on the Field of Mars."

Reyna turned her head to look at her co-praetor. "And where do you think we can plug it in?"

"Well, if we harnessed a few venti-"

"No. We will not risk our safety to stay cool."

Well, we're risking our safety in the heat!"

"Jason..." Reyna warned. Jason shut up. Reyna closed her eyes, as if it would help her cool off.

Jason clapped his hands, causing Reyna to jump. "I know! We order a ton of ice cream-"

"No!" Reyna shut down the idea without even opening her eyes.

"Alright, then. You come up with something."

They were silent. "Here's an idea," Reyna said smugly. "It's practical, too." A mischievous smile crossed her face. "Water balloon fight!"

Jason's eyes grew big. "You. Are. A. Genius."

Reyna and Jason stood at the top of the fort they had used for the last War Games. All Legionnaires and civilians were assembled below them. Buckets and buckets of balloons filled with water were assembled all over the field. Even now, they had people filling more balloons.

"Okay, everybody!" Reyna shouted. The talking and hubbub died down. "I'm sure you've all done a water balloon fight before. If you haven't, well, the rules are simple. Everybody's fair game."

Jason looked at her with an evil smile. "Everyone?"

Reyna glanced at him, knowing what he was thinking. "Everyone." She turned to the others. "Let the games begin!"

A horn sounded, and everyone on the field started hoarding balloons. A bunch of Vulcan kids scurried up the fort. Instead of water, they had filled the water cannons and ballistas with water balloons. It wasn't long before everybody was soaked. And they were loving it.

Jason turned to Reyna. Before he could say anything, Reyna cut in. "I know what you're thinking, and I refuse to help you."

Jason got down on his knees and did his signature puppy-dog face. "Please?" He dragged out the word. "You said everybody's fair game. And this was your idea. And you know you want to. And right now, you're just a kid, not a praetor. Please?"

Reyna sighed. She really did want to. And this had been her idea. "Okay, you win. Let's go do a suicide mission." Jason stood up, ecstatic.

They crouched down as they turned the corner. Their prey was right in front of them, hit back turned. His blond hair was dripping, yet he still remained haughty.

"One," Jason whispered.

"Two," Reyna muttered, barely audible. "We are so dead-"

"Three!" Jason said, and they charged, pelting Octavian with water balloons. When they ran out of balloons, Jason shouted, "Run!" He grabbed Reyna's hand and together they escaped before Octavian could react.

Even from a distance, they could hear Octavian screaming bloody murder. Everybody was ignoring him.

"That was priceless," Reyna gasped, grinning.

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