Percy, Grover And Juniper

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Percy, Juniper, and Grover were sitting in a circle in a clearing in the Camp Half-Blood forest. Juniper was cuddling a rabbit while Grover looked like he was about to pee his pants and Percy was trying not to laugh.

"Okay," Percy said in a sort of chocked voice. "Operation Bunny Phobia No More is now in session. Juniper, the subject, please?" He held out his hands to Juniper, who handed him the rabbit. "Okay, Grover, come over here."

Grover nervously scooted over to where Percy was seated. He gulped loudly. The rabbit stared curiously at the satyr, nose twitching. "Okay. I'm close enough. Now what?" Grover asked when he was still about a foot away.

"Now, put out your hand. I'm going to move the rabbit closer to you so you can pet him."

"Her," Juniper corrected.

"Her," Percy corrected himself.

Grover gulped again. "But Perrrcy-" he bleated.

"Do it!" Percy said almost harshly. He moved the rabbit towards Grover, whose hand was trembling. Grover slowly touched the bunny's head and pet it a couple of times.

"See? That wasn't that hard, was-" Percy got cut off as the rabbit tried to bite Grover's hand. Grover yelped and scooted away as fast as possible.

"Nibbles!" Juniper exclaimed. Percy suppressed another laugh. Seriously? Nibbles? "Don't bite Grover! Bad rabbit! Bad rabbit!"

"Uh, Juniper?" Percy tried to get her attention. "He's not a dog."


"Right. She's not a dog. But anyways, can we please focus on Operation BP?"

Grover bleated. "Curse BP! Causing that oil spill on the gulf! Horrible polluters! Do you know how many nature spirits and animals we lost to those nasty, evil, polluting humans? And what do they do about it? I'll tell you what they did. They-"

Percy realized that his plan was getting nowhere, so he leaned back and waited for Grover's rant to end.

Percy nearly jumped out of his skin when something crawled onto his stomach. He lunged forward, scaring Nibbles who had come over to investigate the interesting new log on the ground (which was Percy, in case you were wondering). Nibbles glared at Percy and her nose twitched violently. Then she bared her supposedly nonexistent teeth.

Percy suddenly understood why Grover had such a fear of bunnies. Grover's girlfriend's pet rabbit was rabid.

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