Duty Calls

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Sup mah niggas its me again Tyrone Watermelon Grapejuice, AKA The Quickscope Master, AKA best qwikscoper in amurica. Of course u already know dat, bcus if u dont, then u suck m8.

So i was just at another MLG tournament, qwikscopin some scrubs wid my Intervention  at a free-for-all in Rust. But den dis guy came up behind me and nifed me. All the oder guys were liek "Oooohh bich u got nifed by a noob lololol" and the guy that nifed me was liek "hohoho chingg chang chong americunt u suk me iz pro lolol"

That pissed me off, so of course I entered Hardcore Rekking Mode.
Ate a dorito, drank some dew, and blasted Megalovania on my headphones. I rekked everyone in the tournament and made them look like some kids that still play FNAF lol.
It ended up with me winning the match (obviously). The other guys then went to me and bowed down.
"We are not worthy! We are not worthy!" they screamed.
"Yea whateva gtfo peasants" I replied as I Fus Ro Dah'd them out of my way.
I was given some money (just a small amount of a million dollars) and some w33d with it, and a trophy.
I walked away from the building as Back In Black by AC/DC plays in the background while I put on my OBEY cap.

So when I got home i smoked up almost all my weed and I got supr high bro. That was when my phone rang. I then went to go and answer it.
"Ayy lmao who dis" i said as i picked up tha fone.
"Mr. Tyrone Watermelon Grapejuice, its me President Obama."
"Whaddup barackz mah nigga wot u need" I replied to jthe president.
"Duty calls Mr. Tyrone. We need you here at the Dankagon as soon as possible. It is an emergency." Said Obama in a serious voice.
"Lol yea duty calls ill take a shit first ill be there in a while."

The Quickscope Master 2: Revenge Of The BieberWhere stories live. Discover now