MLG Cop Chase

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So after I took a massive dump, I hopped in my MLG Toyota Corolla and drove to the Dankagon. But a lot of shit went down on the way there.

I played "Ganja In My Brain"on the speakers while smoking weed inside my car. i got super high and accelerated too fast. Because of dat, a cop pulled me over.
"Bich u know why I pulled u over?" Asked tha cop.
"Bcus ur a scrub." I replied as I put on my pixel swag glasses.
The cop looked inside my car and saw the weed.
"Woah, is this weed?!"he said.
"Uhhhh, no." I replied as I drove away rly fast.

I heard a police siren behind me as I drove using the skills I learned from GTA. I played "Fuck Tha Police" on my speakers as I kept driving away faster and faster. After a while, I still wasn't losing them, so I took out my L96A1 sniper rifle, pressed the eject seat on my MLG car, did a 360 noscope, and shot the driver in the head. Hyper-realistic blud spewed out of his hed, and the car lost control and crashed into a pole. It exploded and when i saw it, I thought, "Michael Bay probably faps to this."

It was good for a while, but then more police cars appeared out of nowhere and started chasing me.
"This is 2 ez." I thought. I grabbed a frag grenade and threw it at the cars. One of them exploded, and the other ones crashed into it, so they also exploded.

Then, a helicopter appeared in the sky and started chasing me along with other police cars. I ate an entire bag of Doritos and drank and entire Mountain Dew (in 5 seconds) so that I could get moar energy bcus im too young 4 dis shit.

I took an RPG and my sniper rifle. I ejected myself out if my car again. As i was in the air. I fired my RPG into the helicopter and shot all the cops inside the cars. Their windows were filled with hyper realistic blud. It wuz very very bludliness. I did all of deez things while doing a 360 spin in between.

I landed in my car safely and a huge explosion appeared behind me followed by a bunch of Wilhelm Screams. I thought I was okay for a while, but then a tank appeared in front of me and a bunch of cop cars behind me.
"Well im fucked" I thought, but I remembered, that I had an MLG Iron Man suit that I totally didn't steal from Tony Stark. I put it on and flew into the sky. I shot the helicopters and the cars while "Shoot To Thrill" by AC/DC played in the background.
Explosions were all around me as I walked away epicly. But I forgot about the huge ass tank. I turned around and it fired at me. I was thrown away and the suit got destroyed.

I was surrounded by cops including the one that pulled me over.
"Lol i just wanted sum w33d too." He said, "oh btw, ur under arrest."

Then suddenly, I heard a gun fire and a bunch of holes appeared in the cops while even more hypr realistic blud came out of them. They fell to the ground and died.
"Rip in pepperoni" I said.
I turned to where the gunfire came from and I saw a big man dressed in a leather jacked and glasses.
"Hasta la vista, baby." he said. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He came toward me and said, "Aym gohnna taek u to prezident obahma. Cum wid me if u wanna libe."
And so I joined him in his choppa as we flied toward the Dankagon.

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