A New Enemy

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The choppa landed near the entrance of the Dankagon. Arnold went out first then I followed him into the entrance. When we were inside, it looked pretty much the same with a bunch of people in suits working with computers and stuff, except this time they were playing Battlefield on their computers because President Obama wasn't around lol.

Arnold and I went into the same room as we did last time. The same guards whose balls got punched by Arnold were there again.
"Iz phrezident owbahma heahr?" Arnold asked
"Yep m8, u can come right in." One of them answered as he opened the door to let us in.
Then Arnold went closer to them and punched them in the balls again.
"AAAAAAAHHKYTgKPHfJNFUOGEWQWERTY!!!!!!" screamed one of the guards. He actually said those exact letters as he screamed.
"wTF wAS THAT fOR?!?!? Our ballz were already destroyed!!" The other one asked.
"Lol nothing, i just wahnted 2." Arnold said as he smiled like he did in Terminator Genisys when he said 'nice to meet you'

When we went in, I saw prezident Obama dancing to 'Where The Hood At' while smoking a bunch of weed. Then he turned around and saw us. He quickly sat on the chair and stopped the music.
"Mr. Grapejuice. I am glad you came so quickly." He said.
"Anythin for tha prez. Aight wot u need" I said.
"Do you remember when you were in the base of the Illuminati? When you killed Justin Bieber?
"Yea of course"
"Well, it turns out, Bieber is alive."
"WHHAAATTTHh????!!!!" I screamed as Beethoven's 9th Symphony played in the background. "BUT HOWW?? I TOTALLY REKT HIM!!!"

"A crazy hoard of Bieber fans went in the Illuminati base after Shrek was defeated and took Justin with them. They used the dark magic of Bieber's songs to resurrect him. He is now seeking revenge on you. He is not really strong yet since he is recovering, but he is growing more and more powerful everyday, and he is also learning to become MLG." President Obama explained.

If I had a beard, I would stroke it right now, but I dont, so I stroke the hairs inside my nose instead.
"Ill set up an AssAssination plan. Ill be back tomorrow. But right now, i hav 2 go 2 sleep lol" I said.
"Alright then. But first, U WANNA SmoKE w33d?!?!" Obama said.
"OK!!!" I said Lil Jon style. And so we spent an hour smokin weed and dancing to dubstep and trap.

When I went back to tha choppa and was dropped near my home, I saw some people outside the house. As i looked closer, it was my mom. Wtf was she doin wid these ppl?
Then i realized, there were people that were surrounding her. And those people were.......

Bieber fans.

The Quickscope Master 2: Revenge Of The BieberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora