Chapter 2

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(Chandler's POV)

I look at Dr. Yang with desperation. "She's what?"

"Stevens!  Take care of him please!" Dr. Yang yells at another doctor ignoring my question. 

The blond lady who must be 'Stevens' walks toward Lydia's father and starts talking to him, i cant really make out the words.

Dr. Yang turns around, facing Norman and I, "Excuse the interruption. We have some bad news. She's definitely stabilized, but our blood bank is running low and we need some blood donors. After slitting her wrists she lost a lot of blood that we need to replace in order for her to remain stabilized"

I let out a big breath of relief. I thought for a moment she was dead..

"Ill donate" I say as if I'm Katniss volunteering to be tribute.

"Not so fast. She's blood type A positive. We need to find a match, but we can have you tested" Dr. Yang she seems.. bored or uninterested.

Loud yelling of medical orders makes me turn around. " Yang, run labs. Grey, you can scrub in" A short and plump darker woman orders. 

Dr. Yang pulls another doctor over to her side " Alex, take this case. There is a man with a pole lodged in his shoulder, i am NOT sticking around here with the teenage love fest" It's not a love fest.. 

Alex obediently takes the chart from Dr. Yang and walks over to Norman and I. "Man, this place is full of ignorant people" Norman whispers before Alex can come close enough to hear us.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Korev, and ill be your new doctor for now, Dr. Yang has some important business to take care of. So, you're her family?" Dr. Alex Korev has short dark brown hair and a casual voice. He looks about 25-28 and is tall. 

"Just close friends" Norman adds.

"And you both are getting tested for a matching blood type?" Dr. Korev seems tired, it is late by now. Around 6 pm. Well not that late. But i usually get lazy at 6-7. 

"It says on her chart she has multiple bruising and the scans show blows to the head" Dr. Korevs eyes widen, still reading the chart. "Do you know anything about this?" He seemed mad. As if me and Norman gave her multiple bruises.

"What? No!" I yelled at him. I could never hurt Lydia.

At that second a red-haired nurse walks beside Dr. Korev. "You paged me?" She questions not seeing an emergency.

"Yeah, schedule a psych evaluation for Lydia Kapousky in room 208 as soon as possible" Dr. Korev was on to something..

"Why can't you?" She hisses.. They definitely have a past.

"Because i need to run blood tests" He says in a dramatic form and motions for us to follow him. 

(Lydia's POV)

After my whole 'coming back from the dead' scenario, I couldn't fall back to sleep so i just silently listened to George and Cali talk. Apparently my room is right outside the nurses desk and that's where all the gossip of the hospital happens.. Why do i feel like I'm on an episode of Grey's Anatomy? 

It feels like I've been laying here for hours. Is there at least a book i can read? In middle of all my thoughts a familiar head pops into my hospital room, smiling brightly. I cant help it, I'm actually really happy to see Chandler.

"It's about time Prince charming comes and saves me" I joke, having trouble to laugh since i feel so weak.

He smiles at the ground, then lifts his head up, still standing at the door "How are you feeling?" 

"Okay. Weak, but okay" My voice is very low, so Chandler decides to sit on a chair beside my bed.

"You're low on blood i hear?" He seems.. Awkward..

"Yeah, this is my last bag" I point to a tube running from my arm to a small blood bag hanging on a pole. 

"I got tested" He seems a little shy and turns hid head towards the door. Does he know something? 

"Look, you don't have to be here if you don't want to.. You can leave if you're that uncomfortable" Someone had to say it, apparently that person is me.

"No its not that.." He trails off and pretends to be distracted.

"Say it" I did not come back from the dead to be lied to.

"The doctors who examined you put on your chart that you have un-explained bruises.. And i just wanted to ask you-" 

Nope, no, no no no, no We are not having this conversation. I decide to cut him off in mid-sentence "Im tired, you should leave now" 

"Is it your father? He seems like-"

JUST GIVE IT UP, CHANDLER "Now" I say a little louder.

He just gave me one of those closed-mouth smiles and left.

I pushed away the only one who wants to be around me. A round of applause for me.

(Chandler's POV) 

I walk out of Lydia's room scarred. I know its her father.. Who else would it be? She's so socially awkward that she doesn't really have friends..

" Look, I'm telling you Bailey, She's getting abused by her father, all the signs are there!" Dr. Korev whispers loudly to the short and plump darker woman i saw yelling orders at people earlier. 

Woah, hold up. I stop in the middle of the hallway and pretend I'm checking my phone. 

"Then schedule a psych, Korev, you know the drill" Dr. Bailey orders half paying attention to him and half doing paperwork.

"I already did, but Her father wants to see her, and after this, i don't want to allow him in her room.. Not until the psych comes anyway" Why is Dr. Korev asking Bailey this?

" If you're sure then.. It's up to you, Korev, there is no room for mistakes" Dr. Bailey gives Dr. Korev a long stare before finally walking away. 

So its true.. How could i not notice? All the times i had to carry her home. She didn't fall down the stairs. How could i have been so clueless?

***************************************************************************************************************Sorry this chapter was pretty slow but there will be a surprise coming soon ;) <3 Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me :):) 

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