Chapter 5

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(Lydia's POV) 

I stand a safe distance away from Chandler and pretend to look for something in my jansport bag. Mostly just my cloths and my wallet which my father added 300$ into. That man gets a lot of money but i don't even think he works.. I don't even want to know how he gets it. I find my phone charger on the bottom, so that means he packed my phone. I unzip my small pocket at the front and pull out my i phone, admiring it's case. The case is a greyish whiteish colour with the deathly hallows sign in the middle and the word 'Always' written closely under the sign. Potter head for life. 

At that moment i lift my eyes up to see Chandler interacting and taking pictures with fans. It's cute. One girl kisses him on the cheek for a picture. Woah. Hold up. Don't assume Chandler's single just because the headlines say so or ill just assume you're thirsty and get you a bottle of water.  

 Chandler is technically single. I mean.. we're not dating, but still. 

I check my phone and see countless messages from Aubree. Some are 2 weeks old.. How long was i in here for? The only thing i really remember is countless nightmares of my father.. And the occasional Chandler.

I also have lots of messages from my father, but I'm not aloud to contact him, so i delete his number. I check the calendar and today is September 18th, 2013. Wow, i thought it was like the 10th at most. I see Chandler pull out his phone and hides the screen for a second. "Wingardium Leviosa" My phone rings. Its a text from Chandler that reads:

To: Me

From: Chandler<33

Go with my father to the back entrance, ill meet you there in 5 min.

I casually start texting and walking near Will Riggs so i can follow him to see where this 'back entrance' is and so i don't look like I'm following him. 

When we get to the back entrance the chauffeur lets me in the back with Will. And Chandler comes in minutes later. The chauffeur starts the limo and we're off.

"So do you always travel by limo?" It sounds expesive, so i thinkt i might ask..

"No, but they have tinted windows, so it only seemed appropriate" Chandler lifts up his head looking exhausted.

Chandler's seated next to me watching me like various photos on 'we heart it' on my 3g. When we get to the Riggs residents its dark so i can't really see the house, but it wasn't anything too big, i mean it was big but not a mansion or anything. It was very nice inside, and cozy. When I enter the house There are various bags packed next to the front entrance. What?

"Sorry for all the boxes, the family was suppose to all go to our cottage for the long weekend" Will says apologetically. I felt bad.. i think i just ruined a family trip. "But Chandler has volunteered to stay back with you while we are all gone, my wife and other son left this morning, so I'm going up now, if you don't mind" Of course Chandler volunteered.

"Not at all, thank you so much for letting me stay" I give him a big smile and her starts packing the boxes in his truck.

I watch Will putting the boxes away until Chandler's voice scares me from behind, i almost forgot he is here.

"Would you like to see the room you will be staying in?" Chandler asks taking my hand.

"Of course" I say as i follow him upstairs. Of course Will wasn't looking when Chandler took my hand. I know this is really weird, but i like the stairs. They were really big and the didn't creak. Shiny beige wood, i can see my complexion. Ew! Is that what my face looked like all day?

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