Chapter One

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*unedited sorry for mistakes

When I was little I had this irrational fear of spiders, I mean those things haunted my dreams for years. I just couldn't stand those hairy legs and each one of those eight eyes. I would run screaming from them the second I caught the slightest glimpse of one.

Now, when one happens to scurry across the floor in front of me I don't give it a second thought. I squish it with a nearby shoe or magazine and it's gone. That fear from when I was younger is gone. Just like that. I grew up and such a small far like that seems so far away.

I've got bigger things to fear now and I'm afraid that I'll never grow out of it. The world has gone to hell. Cities have fallen, countries have gone dark, and the government is completely gone. It's complete and utter chaos out there.

It seems like forever ago when Earth was invaded but, in all reality its only been a year. Twelve months can drag on slowly for a sixteen year old in the midst of an Apocalypse, I guess.

Today is the one year anniversary. I can hardly call it that though because anniversaries are meant to celebrate love and accomplishments, they're meant to celebrate the memory of someone and the life the once lived not death and destruction.

There is barely a soul left out there and the ones I've come across ,well, it seems that they have lost their souls out there with the rest. Their desire to live and out live others has left many innocent people on ground bleeding just for a pair of shoes or a can of beans.

I tried to help someone once, because of the distant kindness that was left in my heart. I gave, them food, a warm fire to sleep by, and a bit of company. They thanked me and were also kind to me, at least they were for the first three days because when the fourth came around I woke up to an empty pack and crying brother.

He had tried to stop them but he was only seven at the time and under five feet which is no match for grown adult. He cried for hours telling me how sorry he was while I patched up the cut that was left on the side of his head from a barrel of a gun. Damian has a scar now and I view it as a reminder to trust no one but him and only him.

It breaks my heart that I have to view humans this way, when another species has taken over our home. We should be sticking together not spreading apart and avoiding each other. There's strength in numbers, right?

I can't help but wonder if there is someone out there that takes others in. Someone that gives another a home and food out of the goodness of their heart and the hope that humans will one day thrive again. Right now that seems kind of hopeless.

I shake my head in an attempt to rid myself of these thoughts. I've got only one priority right now and that is my brother. He deserves a chance at some kind life.

I throw another piece of wood into the fire and switch my gaze to his sleeping form. His black air is a complete mess, almost completely covering his eyes, I'll probably have to cut it soon as well as mine. We both have the same features black hair and sharp Jade eyes. I would say something about how we both look like our mother or our father but the problem is I don't remember them.

They dropped me and him off at a foster home the day Damian was born. People tell me that I was old enough to remember them but, I just think something about them made me want to forget.

"Charlie?" Damian whispers.


"I think I hear something."

"It's probably just your Imagination Damian. Go back to sleep, you're are going to need it." I assure him.

He nods but I can tell he is still weary. I dump some dirt into the fire to dim it's light to a slight glow.

"There. Now no one will be able see us." I say ruffling his hair.

"Thanks Charlie." He says before slowly shutting his eyes once more.

I open my pack and reach instead searching for the extra snow jacket I've been carrying around. My fingers graze the soft material as I pull it out and drape it over my now shivering little brother. He stops shaking almost instantly allowing me to relax a little more knowing he is okay.

I look up at the night sky and sigh. It's going to be another long night of keeping watch, rarely do I ever sleep because of my fear of something bad happening again. Instead o I try to pass the time by finding the constellations. I start with the north star but I barely get to the big dipper when I hear it.

Behind me, the sound of snapping twigs and crunching leaves. Maybe it wasn't Damian's imagimation. The noise becomes clearer and its the all to familiar sound of boots. Automatically my hand snaps out to my right and latches on to the rifle I was able to steal. I begin to lift to my chest but something slams down on my hand causing me to bite my lip instead to stop myself from screaming.

Everything from that point seemed to slow down because I watched helplessly as a rough hand reached down and grabbed my brother by the scruff of his neck. My heart wrenches as his face contorts into pain.

"Charlie!" He screams.

I try to scramble toward him but a harsh kick sends me backwards onto my back. I attempt to get back up and that's when everything went black.

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