Chapter Three

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For a moment I couldn't think, then I couldn't breathe. He said was gone, but gone where? He could be lying, everyone lies. My vision started to become plagued with black spots, i failed him. I lost Damian, I couldn't protect him.

"Charlie, you need to breathe." My captors voice spoke.

I can get him back. I can get out of this chair and question the man who took him and took me, I can take him. But first I need to breathe, breathe Charlie. I sucked in a sharp breath and the black spots began to fade slowly then all at once. The world came back into focus and my only thoughts were set on getting out of here.

"Where is he?" I asked again.

"I told you where." the man said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No you didn't. All you told me that he was gone."

I heard footsteps on stairs behind me and the first man I saw here, John, joined the second.

"She causing trouble?" he asked.

"Not yet."

I started to tug on the binds again with all the power I could muster. They arm of the chair cracked, a zig-zag line trailing down the middle. I looked up, waiting for their responses.

"Hey!" One said pulling a knife from his pocket.

"John!" The second warned.

His voice was cast aside and John continued to advance towards me knife pointed. I sunk in my seat as the fear froze the blood in my veins. He brought the knife to my cheek and pressed it down. A scream escaped my lips as pain seared the area. The  knife continued to drag along the bone as it was ripped away my another man.

I felt the tears on my cheeks as well as the blood. I can't cry, they can't prove I'm weak.

"Get upstairs now." The first man ordered strangely calm.

John almost pouted as he thumped up the stairs that were hidden behind me, knife in hand.

"Charlie, I-" he grabbed my chin to examine the wound but I ripped my face away, I did not want him touching me.

"Don't you touch me." I spoke, my voice filled with hate.

"I warned you before about doing something like this with John's temper but your amnesia has not served you well."

"You did this."

"This the third chair you have broken, as a matter of fact you are the one who as angered him its his old home you know."

"Let me go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You are special and someone needs your services."

He opened his mouth to continue speaking but instead the whites of his eyes were the only thing showing and he collapsed to the floor. Where the man once stood was a boy with shaggy blonde hair and intense blue eyes that bore into mine.

His hands were raised above his head holding a knife, the end of the handle facing me. I didn't know weather or not he was with the other two men but something in his eyes held some sort of kindness.

He brought the knife down angled it towards me. I flinched as it grazed my wrist but it was only there to cut the bonds. He crouched down and cut the ones on my ankle before standing back up.

I rubbed my sore wrists.

"We need to go now. There are two men still upstairs and they're coming, I can hear them."


He said nothing but the look on his face said just trust me, so I placed my hand in his and he helped me up.

Trustworthy - Ben Mason Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now