Chapter Four

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He gripped my hand tightly  as he pulled me up a narrow stair case. I flinched each time one of the old boards squeaked, he said there were three other men up stairs. If they knew we were here would he be able to take out them too, like he did the first. I know I surely won't because I was barely holding myself up.

I feel like I haven't eaten in days and it's probably true, the feeling is all to familar. In front of me the boy abruptly stops causing me to bump into him. He holds his finger to his lips before craning his neck out into the hall.  Then he continued froward, must've been no one around.

Once I was pulled me throught the doorway he stopped and crouched down in front of me as he was taller than I.

"The last room down the hall there are two men." His voice was soft and barely above a whisper. "The last one is out front. We can sneak past them the way I came in but, you have to be dead silent."

"I can't leave." I stared at his confused expression, I too was confused at the words because my mouth was a few moments ahead of my mind. "They took my brother, I need to find out where."

His eyes dropped as if he was debating something inside of his mind. "I can get you out. I'll go back in and look. I can do it much faster, plus you look like you're going to be sick."

I touched my fingers to my cheek and the sore skin felt cold. I was tired, yes but there was no way in hell I was going to trust him with something like this. I don't even know his name, how he found out I was in here, and why he even wanted to rescue me in the first place. For all I know this could me some kind of trick from John and this doctor guy. They could be trying to get me to talk by throwing someone my own age at me with a bit of kindness.

"No way! It's my broth-" A hand covered my mouth as I was pressed against the wall. The boys body towered over mine. I hadn't realized how much I had raised my voice.

"You're going to have to trust me," he hissed. "right now I'm your only chance at finding out where he is. You won't make it five steps without alerting one of those pigs."

I shut my eyes and pushed his hand off my mouth but his body didn't move, it was still dangerously close.

"Fine." I answered giving in. "Please, I need to know. It's my fault what's happened to him."

He nodded and opened his mouth as if to say something but shut it. Instead he grabbed my hand once more before pulling me into an empty room. He left go and walked towards a large window in the center of a plain blue wall. He used both hands to pry it open then beckoned for me to come forward. I obliged and I sat on the sill, my legs hanging over the side.

It was only a short drop to a garden covered with over grown plants and weeds.

"See that clearing over there between those trees?" He asked, pointing. I nodded and he continued. "My bag is hidden under a large pine, insurance that I'll come back if that's what your worrying about. Hide there and I will be with you in no more than five minutes. Okay?"

I nodded again staring forward, afraid of what will happen.

"I'm Ben by the way." he said with a small smile.

"Charlie." I answered before jumping down.

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