Chapter Two

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*unedited sorry for mistakes

When the darkness was replaced with light my senses became overwhelmed. Blinding light stung at my eyes, a searing pain shot through my head, and the world just seemed to turn fuzzy. I tried to lift my head to my temples to ease the pain but they met resistance. I looked down and panic soared through me, my wrist and ankles were tied to an old wooden chair.

My eyes scanned the room looking for Damian, he had to be here. To my disappointment I was met with plain concret walls. I tugged at the binds, where ever he was he must be so scared. I pulled and pulled until blood showed on my torn skin but the wouldn't budge they just seemed to tighten with every pull. I let out a cry of frustration only to clamp my mouth shut, my voice was worn and cracked. How long was I out?

Behind me, a deep chuckle sounded causing me to jump. A fairly tall man walked out and leaned on the wall directly across from me. He crossed his arms over his built chest and a smug smile appeared on his lips.

"You're really trying that again."

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.

"Charlie, dear, don't give me the silent treatment again."

Why does he keep saying again?

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice dry.

"You know that."

"No I don't. Where am I? Where is my brother?"

He held his hands, palms facing me. "You need to stop asking so many questions. It's giving me a headache."

"John." A voice sounded behind me.

"What?" John asked.

"You need to leave." The man sounded angry.

"Whatever you say boss." John replied, rolling his eyes before disappearing behind me.

There was a few moments of silence behind me aside from the second mans shallow breathing. I shut my eyes and breathed deep, stay calm. Stay calm.

"I want to apologize for my, uh, my colleages actions. He doesn't understand the extent of your injuries."

"Injuries?" I squeaked.

The man stood to my right now, he was quite different from the first man. He was skinny and lacked the build of the other man, he also had on a pair of thin wire glasses towards the bridge of his nose making him less intimidating.

"Yes, you see they day we took you my friend used the barrel of his gun to subdue you, as you were being difficult. You got a slight concussion from the hit so after you were questioned I planned to use anastasia if you were. . . difficult again but in his eyes it was not quick enough. He hit you in the same general area once more but, this time it was little more than a concussion. It was amnesia."

I blinked a few times. "How long?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"How long have I been here."

"Two weeks."

My heart stopped, Damian, where was Damian. What did they do with him, what did they do with me?

"Charlie, I'm-"

"Where's Damian?" I cut him off.


"My brother. Where is my brother?"

"Oh he's long gone by now."

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