Chapter Seven

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"Do you know how incredibly frustrating you are?" I huff, following Ben through an over grown tree blocking our path.


"Can you at least tell me what's in Charleston." I ask.

"My family is."

Family? He's just now mentioning this.

"Why are you out here if you have family in a city?"

Ben stops and I bump into his back. He turns around and backs me up till my back is pressed onto a tree.

"Why is it so hard for you to trust me?" He says his lips dangerously close to mine.

I press my hands to his chest and push him away from me a little. "Because I've been through a lot. I've trusted people in the past and they turned around and hurt me. Bad. The only thing that is keeping me from bolting from you right now is those papers. I honestly don't understand why you won't give them to me. It's  stupid."

He grabs my hands which are still pressed against his chest. "Do you honestly want to know why I haven't given them to you because I have two reasons."

"Yes, I do. I want the truth." I say ripping my hands from his.

He backs up a little allowing me to breathe before opening his mouth. "Number one, it's dangerous where there keeping him. I know because I've been there. it's going to take a hell of lot more people than two and that's my reasoning for taking you to Charleston. The people there can help you, can help us."

Help us. . .wait?

"What's number two?" I ask.

"And reason number two is, well, I just think I want to keep you around. I like you." He says before smiling and turning back around.

I stand there for a few moments, processing everything he just said. He just. . .ugh he is. . .I can't even. Crap.

"Again." I say. "You are incredibly frustrating."

I hear him laugh and it cause all kinds of strange things on the inside. It's been a long time since I've heard any one laugh. I missed it.

I almost smile myself but it stops forming when yet, again, I catch a flash of something out of the corner of my eye.

"Ben?" I say stopping.

He stops and turns around once more facing me with a look of confusion.

"There's something following us."

"I don't think so. I would-"

"No stop saying that it's nothing. That's the second time I saw something and you keep brushing it off like it's nothing. You're hiding something arn't you?" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

He blinks a few times and opens his mouth but I speak first. "No lies. No secrets, just tell me and be honest. You want my trust? Then heres your chance."

He doesn't say anything, he just nods and drops his pack to the floor. Confused, I watch his hands grab the hem of his shirt  and I watch him pull it off.

Okay? Not what I had in mind.

But then He turns around and all along his bare back are spikes. Alien spikes.

A/N: Sorry, for the lack of update I've been really busy lately with school and everything. I know it's short or at least shorter than usual but, I wanted to get something out there. Thanks to everyone who has been reading :)

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