Chapter Six

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*unedited Charlie on the side --->

Dreams are complicated. They can be good, they can be bad, and they can be frightening. Since the Apocalypse all I've ever had were bad and frightening dreams. Dreams of unrecognizable faces and deaths of people who seemed to know me. They would called out my name and beg me to help them, i stung even worse because I couldn't.

Tonight's dream was different. I couldn't tell whether or not it was good or bad or if it meant something but, it was just me standing in front of a skitter. Neither of us moved just stood there as if we were frozen in time. The only that really mover were the skitter's eyes. From mine to something behind me, I wanted to turn to see what it was but something held me in place.

Then the skitter spoke, not literary but in my head as clear as someone speaking in my ear.

Stay with they boy. He will keep you safe, and your brother.

After that I sat up quickly choking for air. I pulled my knees to my chest, it couldn't have been real. I mean skitters have been in my dreams for months now but, never have they actually spoken to me usually they are in the middle of killing someone. Pleasant, I know.

I raked a shaking a hand through my tangled hair, a nervous habit of mine and rolled a rubber band off my wrist and tied my long hair into a high ponytail to keep it out of my face. My heart skipped a few beats when I heard light snoring to my left. I almost forgot who I was with, I placed my hand over my heart to contain the fast beating.

He fell asleep, so much for keeping watch. A picture of punching him in the face for it crosses my mind, I even sit on my knees to do it but I stop when I see the stack of papers sticking out of his bag and got  a better idea.

I could so easily take those papers while he's sleeping and leave. I could get Damian and I would never have to worry about leaving his life in this kids hands. I would be safe and so would he, my dream was just what it was. A dream. There couldn't be any truth behind it.

Leaning over Ben's sleeping form i reached over to grab the corners of paper that were sticking out.  Unfortunately my hand never made it because the minute my fingers touched the thin material a hand snapped out latched onto my wrist, tight.

Another latched on to my shoulder flipping my over onto my back. Both hands were pinned above my head and I was inches from striking blue eyes.

"Get off off-" I began.

"Trying to take something?" he said raising an eyebrow.

I tried moving my legs but he pressed his against mine planting them on the ground faster than humanly possible. I wanted to say something about it but he gave me a look that said I'm not getting off til you answer.

"Fine." I huffed. "I tried to take the papers."

"Hmm." He smiled. "Now was the so hard angel."

"Don't call me that." I snapped back, a little to harsh.

I tried to move again when he didn't budge but I caught a flash of something out of the corner of my eye and I heard the sickening sound of crunching twigs.

"What was that?" I asked my head to the side. I could feel his breath on my neck but I ignored it, searching for whatever it was I saw.

When he didn't anwser or move I called his name. "Ben?"

His eyes snapped back to mine but they were different this time. More distant if anything.  I watched him shake his head as if he was trying to get something out of it and then he blinked a few times before releasing me. "Nothing." He said scratching his head. "Probably just a squirrel or something."

I sat up quickly confused be his strange behavior. I watched him shove a few things in his bag before he stood up and held out his hand.

"C'mon. We've gotta get going."

"No. You're going to tell me where we're going then I go with you." I said standing my ground. I wanted answers this time.

He dragged a hand over his face and made a frustrated sigh. "Charleston." He said. "We're going to Charleston, I've got family there."

He held his hand out once more and this time I took it. He helped me up and started walking again.

"Charleston is gone. It was one of the first cites to be destroyed." I said grabbing his arm.

He stopped and looked me in the eye. "That's what you think."

Trustworthy - Ben Mason Fan FictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora