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Copyright © 2016, Linda Gonzalez - All Rights Reserved

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Everything was perfect, well okay maybe not perfect, but it wasn't completely horrible either. They saw each other as often as they could, but it didn't seem like enough to him.

Desperate to see her more often, he leaves important things behind to try to catch up to her. She tried to slow down to his pace but she felt still if she went at his speed so all she could do was encourage him to hurry up. He stumbles and falls, catching her attention. She strides back to where he is, concern etched onto her features as she stares down at him. It seemed like they were stuck in time. She tries dragging him with her or pushing him up, but he's too heavy to be carried. She can't leave him so she waits around for him to regain his strength whilst holding his hand the whole time. The world stood still as it watched them attentively and curiously.

Then out of no where and without warning, he sits upright, confused almost as if he didn't know where he was. His gaze snaps onto hers and then to their linked hands. With furrowed eyebrows and a hint of a smile on his lips, he clears his throat. "Um..." he trails off hesitantly as he drops his gaze to the ground.

"What is it?" she demands worriedly. She takes a step forward to get him to look into her eyes, and what she sees almost shocks her; his lips smile but his eyes cry.

He's battling with his own emotions and he doesn't know who will win. "I can't say it," he mumbles. She gets him to look at her again, prompting him to continue. "I can't say it," he repeats, and repeats until she practically shoots lasers at him with her eyes.

"Tell me," she insists, crossing her arms over her chest tightly while popping her hip out slightly.

"We need to...break up," he almost says it under his breath. Unsure whether she heard correctly, she takes a step back gawking at him as he breaks down into tears. That's when she knew he had really said what she thought he said. He explains why they need to separate but she barely listens. Those five words repeat in her mind until she feels she will die from all this sudden pain.

Anger stirs within her, but sadness wins her over. Seeing him like this only breaks her heart far worse than the initial pain. Timidly, she takes a few steps forward until she reaches him. She sees tears roll down his cheek as she wraps her arms tightly around his neck. He places his hands on her back, returning the hug. "This is for the best," he says firmly, but she knows he's only trying to convince himself, more than her.

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