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Hi my name is Hannah and I'm what you might call emo, or devil worshiper.
I don't have any friends, and I love rock bands and heavy metal bands. I'll name a few.

Black veil brides
Marlyin Manson
Five finger death punch
Pierce the veil
Sleeping with sirens
Asking Alexandria
Amity affliction

Yea I guess I really am emo, because I love the color black, I have snakebites and a nose piercing along with a belly button piercing, and lastly I'm deeply depressed, It's just I'm a disgrace to the world and I'm not pretty or skinny. I have cuts on my arms legs and stomach. And I have a big problem trusting people because I'm really shy and I get beat every day by my parents and at school. I don't know why everyone hates me but I don't think I can take much more.

When I finished writing in my journal I just got today it was 9 at night. My parents should be in bed sleeping or fucking right now I thought. Yes I know why would you think that about your parents. Well I did say they abuse me and I have to take care of myself so I snuck out of my room hearing the disgusting moans coming from my parents room and got a piece of bread. I'm fat so I only at half and I played on my phone for a bit.

Before any of you ask yes I have a boyfriend his name it Adam and I love him. But I don't let him kiss me or hug me. What can I say I have major trust issues.

As I was on my phone Adam sent me a text that made my heart shatter

A~ I'm leaving you bitch, it's really funny how you thought I would ever love something so ugly and disgusting like you. For all I care you can die in a hole. Go kill yourself emo bitch no one wants you.

When I was done reading this I broke I had nothing left to live for, my sister is dead and I have no family anywhere. Maybe I should kill myself tonight? I thought.

Yea tonight I will end my suffering. I grabbed a rope in my closet and snuck out my window and ran into the forest blasting Carolyn by black veil brides on my phone.

I got to a tall enough tree where my feet would be a foot off the groun and climes up to a branch. Once I finished getting the rope on my neck I stood up and heard laughter.

I looked around and saw nothing in the pitch black. Fucking bullies trying to ruin my only way of getting out of this hell. I thought bitterly.

As I was about to jump a pair of arms wrapped around me and used their other hand to cut the rope from my neck. Well sweetheart why are you trying to kill yourself? A deep voice asked me.

I couldn't answer, I was shaking and panicking in fear and sadness.

Well I asked you a question, damn your lucky slender wants you alive doll. The voice said. I was so scared I passed out and the only thing I said before I slipped off into the dark was

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