1 // Presenting Beauty Without The Bill

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Hey everyone! Welcome to my new book! Hope you enjoy this first chapter!

The song up there is Killer by The Hoosiers. My sister introduced them to me :3 and this is my favorite song so far.

Y/n will have a somewhat different atmosphere and personality than the y/n in Falling for a demon. How? Read and find out sweet cheeks xD

Also, I'm not going to be writing this in second person P.O.V. rather I'll be writing this in first person P.O.V. but if you guys dislike it, I could always change it xD

[ Y/N ]

My father means the whole world to me. He is the only thing that I truly cherish in this world besides the countless of books I have in my private library. You see, my father or Mon sieur (f/n) (l/n) is my only parent in life. He raised me on his own and gave me all the love I needed. My mother, whoever she was, died giving birth to me so it's just the two of us forever. I'm honestly contented with my life, I needn't of riches or children or thousands of courtiers. No, all I need is my books, my tiny home and my father.

And of course the basic needs of survival, but you get my point.

But as I've said that, I am also wondering why I am here instead of my cozy home. I sat quietly on a chair inside the mansion of Elian Romalf, otherwise known as my crazy stalker who has very deep affections for me.

I bring a cup of jasmine tea to my lips as I wait for him to arrive.

Though Romalf was an incredibly handsome man, with his dark hair and piercing green eyes, he had his faults. Elian was one of those stereotypical rich kids; incredibly snobby, has a rotten personality and is terribly egocentric. I mean, you can just see the pride leaking out of him like a hole on a water tank.

Still, I sit there waiting for him. He said something about important news but I didn't really know for sure. Maybe he lied again, he always does that. He goes over to my place and says that there's something urgent happening in his house and that I immediately have to go there right away. At first I was extremely panicked, thinking of various horrifying scenarios that might be occurring in his household but when I finally realized what he was up to I just stayed in my room silently reading a book as he calls my name from below.

It was rude of me to do so, I know, but I seriously do not want to tolerate with his crazy antics to woo me anymore. I'm flattered, truly, but the last thing I need in my life is a man who only loves me for my looks.

As I think that, I peer at the tea inside my cup. I honestly didn't really feel beautiful especially when I stare at the hideous face that looks back at me on the tea. My high cheek bones, button nose and thin luscious lips weren't actually that attractive, to me that is. What normal people see as attractive does not appeal to me at the the slightest. I mostly like a person because of their personality or how they treat people. If you were extremely exotic on the outside but completely horrid in the inside I might hate you or strongly have distaste towards your very existence. I'm a tad mean, I know.

"(Y/n)!" Elian calls out to me from the distance as he jogs towards me, his dark hair bouncing a bit. I watch him like a cat stalking prey, carefully calculating his every movement keenly. He stops right on front of me, a smug grin on his face. "Are you ready to know what the important news is?" Elian asks me with hidden joy.

I let out an exasperated sigh and say, "If this is about another party your having I swea-"

"No, no!" Elian quickly interrupts as he waves his hands in the air. I furrowed my brows and gesture for him to tell me whatever the 'oh so important news' was. Elian clears his throat, as if preparing for a speech then kneels down in front of me. I stare at him in confusion. "What are y-"

"(Y/n) (m/n) (l/n)!" Elian exclaims loudly, cutting me off. I click my tongue, slightly irritated. He always does this, cutting me off before I even finish a sentence but I don't bother arguing with him. Elian then takes out a small velvet bow and shows it to me, his cheeks slightly flustered. He looked nervous and giddy in a way that I cannot even comprehend.


"Will you marry me?" He asks me as he opens the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with intricate designs here and there.

I seriously wanted to just drink tea from my cup and spit it out onto him like in books or movies but unfortunately my body doesn't want to move. I stare at him, eyes the size of saucers, frozen.

His green eyes stare back at me in anticipation. I notice his hand shaking a bit and the sweat that slides its way to his collar bone.

When I finally have the will to move, the first thing I do is let out a sigh. I cover my eyes with a hand, desperately trying not to look at him. As much as I hate this guy, I absolutely despise seeing people depressed because of me. "E-Elian I...." I let out another sigh. "I'm sorry but I can't..." I mumbled out as I catch a glimpse of Elian's face. It slowly crumbles into despair as my words sink in to him.

I rise from my seat, walking towards the exit, leaving behind the half empty cup of jasmine tea that I will probably never finish, leaving behind a sad and heartbroken Elian Romalf whose dreams are probably shattered because of me, leaving behind a future that I could have gotten but I didn't want it nor did I need it.

I exit Elian's mansion and walk down the streets of Gravity Falls. As I did, I pass by various missing posters that are glued to a wall.

The names of the people there are unfamiliar to me since I did just move into Gravity Falls just a few months ago but I read them anyways.

Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Soos (his last name was smudged and is now unreadable), Standford Pines, Stanley Pines, Pacifica Northwest, Gideon Gleeful, and some others I forgot.

It now occurred to me that a lot of people were missing from this town but I hardly cared since the past and the people of this town are not really things I want to delve into.

I stand in front of my house, silently staring at it. Its small stature and horrid green color somehow gives me overwhelming joy. I still hate the color we painted it though but atleast we blend in with the greenery.

I stepped onto my house's front porch without a word. As I place my hand on the doorknob, I stop with a raised brow and watch as the door opens by itself. What the?

I enter my house and gasp as I see the mess that has become of it. Did my father do this? No, he's clumsy but not this clumsy.

I'm immediately filled with dread. "Father?!" I shout out to my silent house. When no one responds, I scramble and search my home. My father wasn't in any of the rooms or in his lab. I inhale a deep breath, panicking.

'Don't worry, (y/n). He might just be out grocery shopping or something,'

But as I pass by my room, I spot a note taped onto my door. I snatch it and read its contents with worry.



I don't even hesitate or think when I finished reading the note. I hurriedly run back downstairs and exit my home, bringing a red coat that I owned with me. I rush towards the woods in search of a mansion owned by a monster named B, silently praying that my father is okay.


Hey! Did you like it so far? XD Will you please comment down below if you like the First Person's P.O.V. or not cause I seriously don't know. I preferably like this P.O.V. but if my readers don't like it well I'll change it for you all :3 Also, if you're looking for great books that don't involve GF at all I suggest reading SilverSun by MarchiMonster

Her book is so good! And her writing, oh her writing, is just AMAZIIIIIIINNNNNGGGG!!!!! Before you read it though, I already call dibs on Grey, so yeah xD

Also, this chapter bothers me a bit because it's slightly fast paced or something. Is it really? I don't know.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See ya! Peace! ♡♡♡

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