3// Woebegone Sweaters

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Woebegone (adjective) - sad or miserable in appearance.

[ Y/N ]

Embracing madness is certainly difficult, especially when Dipper brings me into a mansion filled with talking, moving and talking objects just like him. When Dipper escorts me into the mansion, past the creepy black gate that I stood in front of, the first thing I see when he opens the door was pink. The color I so deeply despise.

"Broseph, you're back! And you brought back the girl Bill asked to be escorted! Score!" a hot pink sweater exclaims as it embraces (?) Dipper. I jumped back as it did so, frightened. I know I've said that I would accept my craziness and move on with my life but seeing a talking and hyperactive pink sweater hug a very tiny and cute pine tree that refers itself as Dipper makes it hard for me to do so.

The pink sweater pulls away from Dipper then somehow gives him a goofy grin. "Bill will be so pleased! Maybe he'll even be less grumpy now!" the sweater says to Dipper as it does a little dance. I watched it do so as I thought, 'who is Bill?'

It then turns to me, showing me the wonderful shooting star print it had on its front. "Hi! I'm Mabel by the way!" the sweater, who seems to be named Mabel, says to me as it offers me its sleeve. I eye it cautiously. What is it trying to do?

Dipper answers my question for me. "She wants to shake your hand (y/n)," he says to me. So this sweater is a she, huh? I suppose that explains why she has such a high pitched voice. I take the sleeve into my hand then shake it vigorously. "H-hello Mabel, my name is (y/n) (l/n)," I said. Mabel flashes me a grin (how? I'm curious about that myself), revealing the glinting metal under her teeth (wool?).

"Your name's (y/n)? That's such a pretty name!" she tells me as I let go of her, hand? I don't really know the anatomy of a sweater nor what its body parts are. But, rather than stressing over that I smile at her and say, "Thank you," I was taught by my tutors that when complimented, you do not react with embarrassment or shyness or humbleness or pride. You thank them with all the gratitude you have and feel.

Mabel was about to say something to me, probably a 'you're welcome' or 'don't mention it', when Dipper suddenly says, "We should probably take (y/n) to Cipher, Mabel," he says to Mabel. Mabel's mood suddenly becomes sullen. "O-of course, you need to take her to Bill," she says to Dipper with a sad smile. She then turns to me, beaming. "You and Dipper visit me later at my workshop, okay?" Mabel cocks her head then looks at me with eyes hiding deep loneliness. Her eyes remind me of mine when I look at the mirror sometimes.

I give her a smile. "I will Mabel,"

Dipper and I walk away from her, waving as we did. Being cursed and forced to reside in this mansion must be tough on her. She also seems to be the type who likes to go out and meet people. I let out a sigh. This Cipher person sure is a mean person to keep such an outgoing person in a secluded area.

"Are you nervous (y/n)?" Dipper asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I forgot I was still with him. "S-sorry, I just blanked out for a bit," I told Dipper as I began twiddle with my thumbs. I do this to keep myself from getting sucked into my thoughts, it's honestly very effective. Dipper furrows his brows at me, his face a void of confusion. "Blanked out?"

"It happens sometimes when I think too much. It's kind of like a forced habit," I stated. Dipper nods, as if understanding what I just said to him. "That happens to my Great Uncle Ford sometimes,"

"Sir Pines," a suit of armor interrupts my question then points an axe at the two of us. I stare at the sharp axe pointed at me with eyes the size of saucers but instead of cowering in fear I look at the suit of armor with narrowed eyes. "It is rude to point deadly objects to a house guest," I stated. Seriously, does this armor know what the word 'common etiquette' is?

The suit of armor comes closer to me then examines my face with curiosity. A sudden wave of realization hits him, making him drop his weapon. "Je suis desolé, Madame!" he drops to his knees, shaking. I raise a brow at him, perplexed.

Madame? That title is only addressed to high class women or the wife of a servant's master. Since I am no peeress nor am I the wife of their master, what is this chunk of iron talking about? "Monsieur, I am no lady. I am only a mere young colleen searching for her father," I told the suit of armor, as I grabbed onto one of Dipper's branches. "Now will you please excuse us, I have a meeting with your master," I said as I dragged Dipper forward, past the suit of armor. That was rude of me to just scold the poor armor like that but I'm in a hurry. My father needs me. So with that I left, with Dipper right behind me.

"You were pretty scary back there while speaking to Gregory," Dipper says as he waddles beside me. I look down onto the floor guiltily. "I honestly feel bad for reprimanding him like that," I said as I continued to twiddle my thumbs. Surely that suit of armor had feelings like me. "I'm such a horrible person,"

Dipper places a branch on my back then soothingly rubs it. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, we're here," Dippers says as stops in front of a dark wood door. A triangle with one eye was carved onto its center. I take a deep breath. "Your master's quarters," I'm finally going to meet the man who captured my father. This did make me feel a tad better.

I turn to Dipper with a thankful smile then do a low curtsy. "Merci beaucoup, Dipper," I said. Dipper bows back at me, beaming. "Je t'en prie Mademoiselle," he says to me. I'm surprised he knows French, the language I'm accustomed to.

I let out a little giggle before I place my hand onto the doorknob and open the door. Light escapes from the inside, blinding me.

"You've finally arrived beauté,"


I literally had to search up the French honorifics and the rules of etiquette for this xD

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