7// Intimate Similitude

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Okay, before you start reading, I just wanted to apologize for my inactivity these past few months. School has been stressful as heck and I didn't really find the time to continue writing this.

The only reason why I'm updating is because one of my readers asked me to do so. I know, I know, a lot of you actually asked me to do so but this one particular reader (a very recent one in fact) asked me to do so and I answered, "I'll try my best to do so though I'm sure this will only be an empty promise," and she said that she believed in me and that she was sure that our promise would be fulfilled. Her words impacted me greatly that I suddenly had the urge to update. I would like to talk more about that scenario but I'm sure I'll only bore you with my babbling. So now without further delay, I present to you this long overdue chapter of Beauty and the Bill!



"Bill Cipher, huh?" I said softly as I let out a small smile. The name was annoyingly normal and simple, which was ruining my antagonist image of him. "Do you dislike it?" Bill asks me, his dark eyes looking at me curiously. I shrug. "It's a lovely name, though not quite fitting for a daemon such as you,"

My words make Bill smile a bit. "But I seriously thought that you'd have a cooler name than that, monsieur Bill," I quickly add with a wide grin. A dissatisfied frown forms on Bill's face as he clicks his tongue. "And what exactly do you mean by that, Y/N?"

"Oh you know," I flash a sweet innocent smile towards the daemon. "I thought your name would be more villainous and devilish like Salazar Slytherin or Venkalth Darkmore,"

To my delight, Bill scowls at me, his face filled with disgust. "Those are terrible names," he says sourly. "Whatever you say Bill," I say teasingly as I sit up from my seat, putting down my pen and notebook while doing so. "You should rest up. I'll return to you later with dinner," I say to him.

"Are you going to plot a plan to escape again when you leave?" Bill asks me, his eyes staring at me in suspicion. I cock my head at him and stare at his red pupils. "Can't you answer that question by reading my mind?" I ask him. Bill looks at way and stares intently at the floor. "I don't exactly have the pleasantries to have my powers in my every beck and call. That was one of the things that little piece of shi-," Bill cuts himself off, noticing my discomfort and distaste at his sudden cussing. "I mean that 'witch'-," Bill corrects himself, making me smile at him in gratitude, "took from me as she cursed me."

I let out a soft small smile at his words. "I won't leave," I say softly as I place a hand on his shoulder. "I need to take care of you and besides, I don't entirely trust your staff in taking care of you since most of them are either too dumb to do so or too angry at you for being the reason why they're not living normally right now," I state, trying my best to reassure Bill.

But when he continues to stare at me, his eyes silently screaming that my words weren't enough to distinguish his suspicion, I let out a sigh and cave in. "Besides," I look away from Bill as I feel my cheeks grow warmer and warmer. Despite not wanting to, I will tell Bill the truth for I know it will stop him from doing anything rash and from being suspicious of me.

"I worry for you,"

The corners of Bill's lips slowly rise and form a smile upon hearing what I said. He even lets out a little chuckle and covers his face with his hand. "Did I hear that correctly? The little beautè's worrying about poor daemon? That liquor you must've given me caused me to hallucinate because holy hell, I must be losing my mind," Bill says causing me to scowl. "Stop it," I say grumpily.

"Stop what? Stop you from looking more and more like a tomato? I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that one,"

I puff my cheeks at him and walk towards the door. "If you keep teasing me like this, I swear, I'll literally leave," I tell him as I step outside of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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