6// Moribund Perspicacity

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moribund (adjective) - at the point of death

perspicacity (noun) - the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness

[ Y/N ]

I once thought when I was only a mere child that God would send me a guardian to save and protect me from the dangers of his world. How silly of me to think such a thing, I know, but I still did so. I've waited countless years for him to do it, to reveal to me the person that was sworn to protect me but my guardian never came. Soon I became disheartened and just gave up on believing that God would send me my guardian. But it seems I was wrong to do so. He apparently gave me my guardian but instead of an angel like the ones in the holy bible he bestowed upon me the devil himself.

The daemon lightly taps my head, glaring at me as he pushes off the wolves that are biting and clawing his back. "Can you stop thinking for a minute? Your thoughts are annoying," he grumbles out.

The daemon then takes me in his arms (while shaking off the various wolves pouncing on him) then starts to run. I was fazed for a moment before seeing the various wounds he had on his body and realizing the fact that he's lost a lot of blood. I raise my head to look at him. "What on earth are you doing?! You can't run in your condition especially carrying me while doing so!" He was losing a lot of blood because of this! I'm now worried that he'll faint suddenly!

The daemon lets out an irritated groan as if hearing my voice suddenly made his day worse. "That's like another term for saying that you'd rather be eaten by wolves and tend to my wounds than to run to safety first," the daemon says to me as he jumps over the tree branch I tripped on earlier (I would remember since that branch was the one that brought my misfortune). "Unless you can find some magical way to carry me back to the mansion, since I doubt you can carry me in that weak puny body of yours, I suggest you keep quiet,"

I stared at him angrily. I was only worrying about him. The least he could do was thank me. "Fine, but if you die of blood loss, don't go crawling back to me," I said to the daemon, who only rolls his eyes at me. How stubborn.

He continues running until we reach the gates of the mansion. There, the daemon raises a gloved hand and shouts an incantation. "Ανοιχτό!" For a brief moment, I notice the red of his eyes turn to a bright hue of blue until it returns to its original color.

The gates immediately open after what the daemon said, making it easy for us to enter the mansion grounds. When I looked back at the wolves that were chasing us, I was confused and shocked. They stopped at the gate, growling and barking at us but never entering the mansion grounds. For a slight moment, I saw a figure of a woman with long brown hair and a piercing violet glare but when I blinked, she was gone along with the blue wolves.

"They're slaves to the sorceress that cursed me and the people in this mansion," the daemon suddenly says as he firmly places me and my backpack on the ground. "They'll hunt you down if you leave the mansion, no matter who or what," he says as he breathes in and out before falling to his knees. I rush over to him, suddenly remembering about his current condition. "We need to get you inside," I said to him to him. The daemon does not protest nor makes a fuss with what I suggested. Instead he lets he hoist him up (which was rather difficult since he seems to be heavier than my father) and place his arms on my shoulders. After making sure that he won't fall if I take a step or move, I grabbed my backpack from the gravel then began walking towards the mansion entrance.


"What happened to him?" Mabel exclaims as she sees the daemon sprawled on his bed, breathing heavily and bleeding. I managed to get him into his quarters with ease. "I'll explain later, Mabel. Right now we need to stitch him up," I said as I let go of my bag, letting it fall onto the floor and walked over to the daemon then started removing his clothing (especially that damned cape that hides his wounds from me).

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