5// Beauty In Distress

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[ Y/N ]

Maybe succumbing to my insanity was a bad idea. Yes, surely if I hadn't then I wouldn't be here at this god forsaken mansion in the first place. But then I wouldn't have saved father from the clutches of that sick and revolting monster. I sigh to myself, annoyed.

I was in the room given to me, lying on the bed I had as I stared at the pastel colored ceiling. I've been here for three days and I have to say, those three days were quite horrible.

At the first I was forced to have tea with the devil. Literally. We were in the garden having Earl Grey as the plants started to grow dark due to the sun beginning to set. It was actually quite nice. Everything was quiet and peaceful despite me being in the company of my captor. The daemon avoided conversation or any kind interaction with me which I really appreciated. But then a hat (somehow) carrying a battle axe came bursting into the garden like a madman. I don't even remember what exactly it was doing there (it had something to do with rodents though) but I remember being terrified and almost being chopped up into bits.

The second day was more 'exciting'.

I was having a house tour with Dipper and the daemon. They showed me the inner workings of the mansion and the places I shouldn't go to (which I am probably going to investigate soon) like the room beside the daemon's and the attic.

It was all dandy until the broomstick named 'Pacifica' ran straight towards us on fire while Mabel, the pink sweater was chasing after her with a fire extinguisher and an apron. They were apparently baking cookies but it seems Pacifica stood too close to the oven when it was open and went ablaze. The whole day ended up being a game of tag, where I, the daemon and Dipper ran around in circles due to Pacifica who was asking us for help and chasing after us with Mabel running after her as well. It seemed pretty stupid if you think about it really but it was certainly terrifying.

The third and final day was really not much. Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica and I just repaired the kitchen stove. We couldn't really hire a technician since they'd probably just run away due to the talking objects that are scattered around in the mansion. So we used a pretty decent looking book entitled 'How to repair a stove for all models' from the library to aid us in our quest to fix the kitchen stove. In the end, we never really fixed it. The instructions in the book were really difficult to understand and sometimes they weren't really accurate so we just broke the stove more rather than repaired it. So when the clock finally struck nine o' clock pm, we just gave up and went to the daemon's lair. There, we told the daemon that we couldn't fix it so the demon just let out a sigh and said that he would take care of it and that we should all just go to bed already.

So that concludes my first three days here in this mansion.

I am already sick of being here. What if I try to escape? The daemon did say that I will only be staying in this mansion for a short period of time, so escaping isn't technically breaking the deal since I have stayed here for a while now.

A knock suddenly brings me out of my thoughts, shocking me a bit. I got out of my bed (fixing it after of course) then went up to where the knocks came from (which was the door to the hallway). I placed my right hand on the door knob then twisted it, opening the door to reveal a familiar looking broom stick. "Good morning Mademoiselle y/n," she greets me while bowing to me as if I was a princess. "Good morning Pacifica, what brings you to my room? Is lunch already ready?" I asked her.

"Not yet miss y/n. I am just here to see how you were doing and to see if you needed anything," she says to me. "I'm fine Pacifica. Just a little bored but fine," I tell her. "Ah I see. Should I take my leave then or should I stay here and keep you company Mademoiselle?" I let out chuckle because of her formality with me. "Your company would be fairly appreciated. But, you know, you can just call me y/n. I wouldn't mind it to be honest,"

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