Beg for Mercy

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Two tall men opened the door to the room Ellie was chained in. One man walked over and held her face.

"Shame to get rid of such a pretty face" he said with a half smile.

The other guy walked over grabbed her by her hair, "I say why waste a pretty face" They both smiled and laughed.

"Please don't" Ellie cried.

"Unchain her" one spoke.

"Nooo!" she screamed. Kicking at both of them. One pinned her down covering her mouth.

"Shut it brat!" Three gun shots went off. They both stood straight up letting go of Ellie.

"Sir we were bringing her to you" one said shaking.  He walked over and smiled.

"Sure you were", taking the gun he shot the workers foot," you disgusting hound". The worker fell to the ground screaming in pain. The other worker stood there waiting for his punishment, Moriarty walked over staring him down.

"Get out of my face or yours will be worse" he spoke angery. Ellie kept her eyes closed, she didn't want to see his face she didn't want to see his cold stare. Did he come here to kill her himself?

"Mrs.Brett?" he softly spoke. Ellie opend her eyes with him only few inchs away from her face. "Are you ok?"

"Yes...Thank youu you" she studdered.

"Don't be" he said frowning, "Get up"

Ellie did as she was told. He walked out of the room and gestured her to follow. She walked behind him not beside him, she had no idea where he was taking her she just hoped and begged he wouldn't kill her. She looked up at him he was wearing a white button up shirt with black suit pants. "Why must he always be fancy" she thought.

"Your thinking annoys me" he said stopping turning to face me. I just stared at him with a blank stare what the heck does he mean? He walked closer, "Why a pen?"

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"A pen I still don't get it" he spoke softly holding the pen between his fingers. Again her eyes widen. "See! that right there why so much worry of me holding this pen? Is it a magic pen" he said mockingly. "Does it write wonderful stories? What does it bloody do!" he said shaking her. She just stared at him.

"It kills you doesn't it" she smiled. He looked at her shocked letting her go.

"Don't play games with me Mrs.Brett" he chuckled a little, "I always end up winning"

He turned back around and they both walked down a hallway. They seemed to be in a house, he lead her out of the basement to the upstairs. Walking into what she thought was the living room she saw somthing that shocked her. Sherlock was writien all over the walls, he was insane. He lead her to the sofa and made her sit while he walked over to his desk.

"Why did you bring me here?" she asked. He looked at her like she was stupid for even talking. He picked up the newspaper and set at his desk ignoreing her completey. She sighed.

"God! I thought you'd like some light get out of the that tiny space!" he said lifting his newspaper to where he didn't have to look at her.

"Thank you" she sighed looking over to the bookcase.

"Don't be" he looked over his newspaper looking at what she was doing," Help yourself"

"Huh?" she asked confused. Why did he bring her to this room?

"My books your welcome to read them" he said lifting the newspaper again to cover his face. She didn't question just got up and walked over to the bookcase. She looked over to see what he was doing wondering if the pen was still in his pocket. Two workers were gurading the doors and two more were standing next to his desk. She had to get that pen, so she could lead Lestarde,Sherlock, and John here to his home.

His only weaknessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin