Too close

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Ellie woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare. She looked over to Jim's bed to see him still sound asleep. Sighed happily seeing him safe, she dreamt that his father killed him in cold blood. It's been three week's since she has been here, she has grown to love it here when there was no chao's. She became his friend, but a little part of her told her she saw him more then a friend. When he touch's her hand she get's butterflies and her heart skip's a beat. Not because she's afraid but because she felt safe with him. She smiled, But then she remembered why she was here in the first place. To turn him in, to send him to prison. Her heart started to ache, she didn't think she could do that to him. She started to cry.

"Lily?" asked Jim sitting up in his bed turning the light on. She didn't look at him just held her head in her hand's. He got up and kneeled down in front of her moving her hand's away from her face gently.

"What's wrong?" he asked looking into her eyes. She wanted to tell him, that she was fake. That she has been lying to him this whole time. But all she could do was cry. He moved her over to where he was holding her in his arm's. She laid her head on his chest trying to stop crying. He just held her and rocked her back and fourth like a child. Ellie knew now, she was in love with him.


He didn't know why she was crying, but all he wanted to do is take her sadness away. Holding her tighter his heart started to beat faster. He started wondering why he felt this way? Why does he care for her? He also wondered, could she care for him? She didn't leave, she could leave right now if she wanted to with him injured. But she stayed, his heart started beating even faster. He held her face up with the tip of his finger.

"Please tell me what's wrong" he whispered. She looked into his eye's.

"I'm sorry" she whispered.


He just looked at her, "Don't be" he whispered. She went to say something but stopped. Should i tell him everything? So many thought's were rushing through her mind.

"I I" she paused, "Had a nightmare". He chuckled a little.

"Must of been terrible to make you cry so much" he said careing.

"It was" she said wiping her tear's. She still sit there in his arm's.

"Well" he said leaning closer,"Don't worry I'll be here if you have anymore" he said smiling. She smiled and laid her head back on his chest. They both fell asleep.


"Three week's Sherlock" John said angry, "She has been gone for three week's"

Sherlock Just ignored  him, he knew that Moriarty still had her alive. He knew he would use her for his next bombing, or just keep useing her as a hostage.

"Sherlock are you even listening to me!" yelled John.

'Yes John, go watch the telly or something your getting upset over nothing" Sherlock spoke smart. John ran over and went to punch him but Sherlock caught his fist with his hand.

"You really think his keeping her alive? For what reason we have no idea what his doing or where he is! I think she lost the bloody tracker and is screwed" John spoke smart.

"She just need's more time" Sherlock said releaseing John's hand.


Ellie woke up not in her room, For a moment she panicked. Looking up she saw she was still in Jim's arms. She smiled seeing he was still sleeping. Not wanting to wake him she tried slowly slipping out of his arm's. With success she stood up and got a blanket laying it on him. She wondered how much longer she could keep lying to him till she cracked. She wanted to find the pen and just get rid of it. Looking towards the door she saw it was closed. She knew if she opened it it would wake him. Walking towards the door she gently opened it causing it to make a noise, looking back she saw he was still asleep. She opened all the way slipping into the hallway.

She walked down toward's his office hoping it would be on his desk. When she got there she saw the door was locked.


Jim woke up in pain from his arm and head. It didn't help that he slept on the floor with Lily. Looking around in a panic he saw she was gone. His heart ached, "She left". He whispered. He tried sitting up put his other arm failed him. Feeling useless he just sat there in pain, he needed pain killer's.

He had never cried his whole life till now. He felt his eye's start to water up, they were mixed feelings. Anger, on the most part, his father betrayed him, his worker's saw him weak which made them fear him less. Sad, he woke up alone like always. With no one to help him or to care for him. Could only hope Lily hadn't left for good. He looked up at the door and was shocked.


Ellie looked at him, sitting there in pain. She even saw a tear fall down his cheek.

"Are you ok?" she asked sitting down next to him. He just looked back at her and half smiled.

"I thought you left" he said taking her hand. She smiled looking down then back up.

"I told you I wouldn't" she whispered. "Why were you crying?" He held both her hand's tight.

"Lily, I" he paused,"I'm tired of being alone" he whispered. Her heart started to beat faster, does he feel the same way I feel for him? She thought.

"You don't have to be" she smiled looking into his eyes. She wanted to be with him, to take his emptiness away. His hand's shaked nervous,

"Lily I think" he paused again. He leaned in closer toward's her. "I lov-"

He didn't get to finish as policemen swarmed into the bedroom. He held her hand's tighter as the policemen tried pulling her away.

"No!" he yelled. Holding her tighter. One of them hit his head with a gun knocking him out.

"No!" Ellie cried struggling to get away. They were both being taken to the police station. Ellie cried in the car, "How?" she whispered. She looked out to see Sherlock and John walking towards her car.

"Glad to see you gain Mrs.Ace" smiled Sherlock.


Sherlock saw that she was shooking up, so he knew not to bother her to much.

"Ellie are you ok?" he asked as John checked her for broken bones. Ellie jerked away from John and would not meet Sherlock's eyes. Sherlock looked at John as John looked at him they both confused.

"I'm fine" she lied still not looking at them. "How did you find me?" she asked with tear's in her eye's.

"The tracker went off, we thought you set it off" Sherlock said sitting next to her.

"I didn't have it, Jim did" she whispered.

"Moriarty? Odd he must of sent it off then not knowing" John said.

"He didn't, I was with him" she said.

"Must of just went off then" Sherlock said sitting back up. "Glad to see your ok Mrs.Ace" He smiled. Shuting her door.


Ellie sat in the back of the cop car sobbing. It was all over, he was going to jail and it was all her fault. As they arrived to the police station she saw that Jim wasn't there. She walked in and straight up to John.

"John?" she asked. John turned around and smiled.

"Yes Mrs.Ace?" he asked.

"Where's Jim Moriarty?" she asked quiet.

"They had to take him to the hospital, to get a bullet out of his arm. It's been in there for a few day's? His arm got a infection. Once that's fixed he goes straight to court" He smiled.

"His father attacked him a few day's ago" she frowned. "Could i go see him?" she asked.

John gave her a odd look, "Why on earth would you want to see that monster?" he asked.

Ellie wanted to yell at him for calling him that, but she knew she shouldn't.

"Because I would like to see him before he leaves" she simply replyed. John just looked at her still confused.

"Ok, i'll call Sherlock tell him your own your way then" he sighed.

"Thank you" she said as she was heading out the door.

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