Play the Game

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"Alright boy's daddy's going out now be home before supper" Smiled Moriarty.

"Sir, your not bringing any guards?" asked a worker.

Moriarty spun around, "No no, i'll be good just paying a friend a visit" he smiled.

He started walking down the hall, going to pass his office he saw Mrs.Brett sitting at the piano. He quietly walked in and stood behind her. Not knowing he was there she put her hand's on the key's and tried playing. He smiled as she almost missed every note to the song he composed. She stopped and turned around jumping seeing him there.

"How long have you been standing there?" she asked shaky.

"Long enough" he laughed. Ellie looked down upset. He reached his hand out holding her shoulder.

"It was" he paused, "Good"

"Why lie?" she laughed a little. His hand slide down her arm, to holding her hand's.

"Now why would I lie" he smiled.

"Because your a consulting criminal" she smiled. Holding his hand. He looked nervous but in a good way.

"I must be going I have someone" he whispered letting her hands go.

"Ok I'll head back to my room" she said quiet.

"You can walk around you know, it's a pretty big house" he laughed.

"I don't trust your workers" she smiled nervous. He leaned in closer holding her face in his hand's.

"Mrs.Brett, if they lay a finger on you they know they won't live to see another day" he spoke looking into her eyes.

She had butterflies in her stomach, he was so close. To close she thought. He let go slowly, with his hand's shaking. He was nervous? Moriarty most feared man in the world nervous? She laughed a little to herself.

"What's so funny" he frowned.

"Nothing sorry little light headed where's your kitchen?" she asked. He pointed down the hall towards the left.

"Thank you" she smiled, "See you later?" she asked.

He smiled a little shocked, "Of course". She watched him leave then headed towards the kitchen.


Sherlock and John walked in to the warehouse where they left Ellie. Walking in they saw all the crates and boxes were gone.

"This place is empty" John said in shock. Sherlock looked from side to side looking for somthing.

"Sherlock nothing is here what are you looking for?" John asked wiping his head.

"John's right Sherlock", Moriarty chuckled, "there's nothing here" Sherlock turned around facing Moriarty face to face. "What are you looking for?" smiled Moriarty. Sherlock smiled.

"Simply you" laughed Sherlock.

"Really Sherlock! Oh you stop it" Moriarty said in a high pitched voice. Sherlock grabbed Moriarty by his suit.

"Aw no wrickles please I have a date later" he smiled.

"What did you come back for?" Sherlock asked not letting go.

"A little tricket" he spit in his face. Sherlock threw him to the ground pulling his gun out on him.

"No need for gun's now" he smiled laying on the ground. Moriarty looked over seeing a necklace on the ground.

"Ah there it is" he said picking it up. He looked at it closey seeing a name, "Mrs.Ace" he whispered confused.

Both John and Sherlock froze. They both knew it was Ellie's.

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