A King and his Queen

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Jim woke up handcuffed to a hospital bed. He looked around for Lily but found her no where.

"Looking for some one?" asked Sherlock. Jim looked over to see him standing there smiling. He just smiled knowing he was enjoying this.

"Why would I be?" Jim asked smart.

"Mrs. what did she say her name was, oh right Mrs Lily Brett isn't who you thought she was" Smiled Sherlock tightening Jim's cuff's. Biteing his lip, Jim felt himself filling up with anger.

"Then who is she?" he spoke angery.

"I'll let her tell you herself" he said opening the door. Jim saw Lily standing at the door.


Ellie took a deep breath and entered the room, she knew Sherlock has already told him she wasn't Lily. She walked in and stood next to the bed.

"Leave us" she said to Sherlock.

"I don't think I should leave you with.."

"I've been with him for four week's I think I can take care of myself!" she yelled. A smile slid across Jim's face after she yelled at Sherlock.

"If you say so" he opened the door, " I'll be out here waiting" he said. Shuting the door behind him, Ellie looked at Jim.

"So" he looked up at her, "What' is your real name? So I don't feel anymore stupid" he said smart.

"Ellie Ace, undercover cop" she said looking away.

"So you played me well Mrs.Ace" he laughed. She looked back at him, she saw he was hurt,angery and also sad. Her heart started to hurt, she wanted to tell him it wasn't fake but she knew he wouldn't believe her. But she had to try.

"I didn't play you" she paused looking at him. "I really" she stopped feeling tear's. He looked at her with just a blank stare.

"I don't know what to believe" he looked down at his hand chained to the bed. "I really thought for once, that some one" he stopped slamming his head back in anger. Ellie started to sob, she reached for his hand but he wouldn't let her touch him.

"Jim please" she begged. He wouldn't look at her.

"Your going to stand there and tell me, that you actually cared for me! No one care's for a monster! My father was right, I shouldn't have trusted you. Just tell me the truth" he said looking back at her.

Ellie was still crying, "At first I was sent to you, to turn you in" she stopped.

"And what happened Ellie?" he asked.

A chill went down her spine, it was the first time he has ever said her actually name.

"You took my tracker, causing me to stay longer" she said wiping her tear's.

"I knew that pen ment somthing" he laughed, "God im stupid, then what?" he asked.

She didn't know what to say, she feel in love with him.

"Then what happend!" he yelled.

"I fell in love with you!" she yelled. She covered her mouth in shock. He just stared at her, she could tell he was shocked as well.

"And I know you loved me before you knew the truth. Why does it have to change?" she asked with hope.

"I never said I loved you" he said looking away with a pained look.

"You were about to before all this happend" she said looking down. He laughed a little.

"Maybe I was losing it because of this infection" he said still turned the other way.

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