☆ Chapter 3☽

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**Third Person POV**

The hospital had discharged Artemis early the next day since she was in good condition, minus the amnesia part. Her "friends", as Artemis says as of now, had taken her everywhere in Beacon Hills, showing her places that they have been with her before. They let her see the school, the animal clinic, the mall, etc. During a time, they had to pass by Eichen House. Artemis had asked why they didn't take a look there. They told her it was a place where bad things had happened.

After a long day, Allison and Lydia took Artemis into her old room, where she lived with Allison and her uncle, Chris.They let her step into the room first, to let her explore her room, hoping some things would come back to her.

She steps in carefully seeing her untouched bed in the corner of the room. Her walls were a dark purple, almost midnight color, except for one wall where chalk writing was on it, chalkboard paint. She steps closer to the wall observing the writing written on it. Different colors of chalk were scattered everywhere, but a key was put at the top signifying what each color meant.

Many words were on it but some stood out more like, virgin sacrifices, alpha pack, nogitsune, kitsune, Oni.

Artemis turned around facing the two girls, she pointed at the wall in curiosity. "Did I write all of this?" She asked. Allison and Lydia looked at each other before standing next to Artemis, in front of the wall.

"Yeah, you liked to plan or write down certain strategies or clues that could help us, kinda like Stiles." Lydia said with a smile.

"Help with what exactly?" Artemis questioned, looking at the wall and back her two friends. Allison and Lydia looked at one another before one went towards a small shelf of books and the other stepped up to the chalkwall and began to erase what was on it.

"Nothing much, just with fictional mysteries that we usually had assigned from school." Allison said, thinking of a quick lie. She knew her cousin wasn't ready to learn about the supernatural, just yet. They needed to take it slow and try not to freak her out.

"Here, why don't you take a look at these while I go and order some pizza. We can even watch a movie if you're up for it?" Lydia suggested, handing Artemis a photo album. Artemis opened up the album, looking at every picture she saw.

There were pictures of when she was baby, a toddler, a preteen, up until now. There were some where it was her and her mother. From the photo being labeled at the bottom, it was from her middle school dance, of her and her mother standing next to each other. Artemis traced the face of her mother in the photo, admiring her beauty and hoping that she could recall her. As she went through it, she laughed at the silly ones she found herself with Allison.

Artemis came across one photo of her and that beauty mark boy. Stiles. It was him and her standing on a field, her wearing a red and white jersey with the number 24 on it. She had her arms wrapped around his waist as he kissed the top of her head, with a smile on his lips. Artemis furrowed her brows in confusion. Allison saw her expression and came over to her and looked at the picture.

"Ah. I remember that game. You had a pretty exciting night with him, from what you told me the next day." Allison told her with a grin etched on her face. She wiggled her eyebrows as Artemis stood confused, until she got what her cousin was implying.

Heat rose up to her face and she quickly closed the album and placing it back on her desk. She had her back turned away from her to control her blushing madness, she took in a breath and cleared her throat, ridding herself of unnecessary thoughts. She turned around and looked at her.

"So...uh...me and him...are we...t-together?" Artemis asked shyly. She would feel bad if she forgot about their relationship but at the same time she would be happy to find out that she's with someone like him. When she had awoke and seen him in her hospital room, there was no doubt that she thought he was handsome.

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