☆ Chapter 7☽

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**Third Person POV**

She kept running and running. She didn't stop, even if her lungs were burning like a fire and begging for a breath of fresh air, not even if her legs were aching and wanting to fall off. That pain didn't compare to the raging storm going on in her head. The pain was as if someone kept bashing her head with a brick repeatedly. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, but her voice seemed stuck in her throat.

Hard pavement soon turned into dirt with leaves and twigs lying around. Buildings turned into trees and roads turned into uneven paths. The sound of her feet pounding against the concrete soon sounded like soft thumps hitting grass. The air no longer smelled like car gas and construction. Now, it smelled like pine and oaks, with a hint of rain. She knew that she somehow had ended up running into the woods.

After a couple of minutes the pain suddenly stopped, as if nothing had happened. She finally let her body stop and recover. She leaned up against a tree, both palms pressing up on it while she desperately tried to catch her breath. Her legs shook as if it was her first time walking and every time she breathed in, her lungs ached. The iron-like taste in her mouth was present every time she swallowed. She took a breath in through her nose and let it out through her mouth.

Her wobbly feet allowed her to walk a few more steps until she sat down on a large tree stump. Her body felt used up and exhausted. She had no strength to walk, no will to stand. With trembling fingers she slowly pulled out her phone from her back pocket and took a glance at the time.

2:59 p.m.

She looked at the top left corner of her phone to see two words she didn't want to see in a situation like this. 'NO SERVICE'  She let out a dissatisfied sigh before putting her phone back into her jean pocket. She swiped away the sweat that was accumulating on her forehead with another sigh. She had no idea where she was, she knew that she was in the woods, but she didn't know how or from where to get out.

Artemis looked at her surrounding. Nothing but trees, leaves, rocks and a few pinecones. She tries to muster her strength to stand, but her legs give away. Her body became tired and slowly her limbs were becoming heavier and heavier. She decided to lay down on the stump, giving into the world of sleep. She couldn't walk, couldn't stand, and her body was shutting down on her. Hopefully when she wakes up, she would have enough strength to find a way out of the woods. Before Artemis could even blink, she was out, welcoming the darkness.


"I've searched the school and there is no trace of Artemis' scent." Malia said while running up to Scott. Scott pressed his lips into a thin line.

"She isn't answering her phone either, it goes straight to voicemail." Lydia added. Liam looked between the unmoving clock and peers around him and back to Scott. He became worried about what was happening. He didn't know if they were okay, dead or just immobile. He was even more worried for his friend Mason who, just like the others, were immobile.  He had found him while he was trying to look around for Artemis, 

"Do you think Artemis has anything to do with this?" Liam questioned, he hadn't really got to know the girl but he has heard stories about her from his friends. He knew about her being taken and being a sorceress. He was told that she had also been split into two different people, an evil self and a good self.

"It could possibly be, but we don't know for sure if we don't find her." Scott said. His mind was running, he didn't understand what was going on but he needed to as soon as possible. He needed to go to someone who at least knows something. "Liam, Lydia, you go and see if Chris is at home, if not, try and find Derek." Scott told the two. "Malia and I will go out and look for Artemis."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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