☆ Chapter 4☽

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**Artemis's POV**

"So run by me again the conversation you had with Malachai." Stiles had asked me for the millionth time today. I had already explained to him everything that had happened this morning between Kai and I. He seems very interested with Kai and I's conversation for some reason.

"Stiles, I've already told you everything that happened. There is nothing that I've left out and if I had, then this amnesia thing is worse than I thought." I said, grabbing a pencil from my backpack. I heard him stifle a laugh. We're currently half way done with class, after this we had lunch.

"Speaking about amnesia, you haven't told us how exactly you remembered Melissa."

"I don't know how to tell you really. We were just talking, she then gave me a hug and I just remembered." I shrugged. I grabbed the pieces of paper that were being passed down. I took one and passed it down to Stiles.

Stiles hummed, probably in thought as the teacher was talking about old ancient history. I felt Stiles lean closer to me.

"Do you think you need physical contact with someone to remember them?" He asked. I thought about it, it could be possible, but I doubt it would work. I turned my head slightly, to get a glimpse of him.

"It could work, but I doubt it's a guarantee." I whispered to him. I was going to change the subject and ask him if he knew about any of the writings that were on my wall last night, before Allison erased them. I had also found, what I'm assuming, a riddle written down below on the wall. It's still there since Allison didn't erase the entire thing. I wanted to ask him but the teacher's attention was on us.

"Mr. Stilinski and Ms. Argent, if you two aren't discussing about getting back together then I impose that both of you pay attention to the lesson." The teacher said out loud. The weirdest thing about that was that no one was laughing or chuckling about what the teacher had said. Everyone just turned around and looked at us, expecting something from us. I took a quick glimpse at Stiles and stood straight in my chair and casted my eyes on the paper, trying to avoid the stares from others.

From then, the whole class turned back around and the teacher gave a sigh and a head shake before continuing on with the lesson. As the teacher talked, I began to tune her out and started sketching on the backside of the paper. I started thinking about Kai again. I don't know why but something about him, seems familiar. Have I seen him before? No, Stiles and Scott don't even know who he is, why would I know him?

"It may not be a guarantee, but we could at least try." I felt someone's breath on the side of my neck, I looked and saw Stiles. He really is persistent on certain things isn't he?

"I guess, but how would we even? Have everyone come and touch me? Or rather me going around to everyone in Beacon Hills and touch them?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I mean, not that excessive but start off slowly. Starting off with your best friends, maybe even recreating the first moment you met them?" He suggested. He wasn't wrong there, maybe I needed just that. Maybe I needed to recreate the first encounters I had.

"So do we start off with you? Since you're one of my best friends, right?" I asked him. I heard him go silent for a second.

"Y-yeah, I suppose. If you want to." The way he said that made me confused. I know I have amnesia but I know I didn't forget the way a person works. He said that with such uncertainty that made me turn around and looked at his face. I'll admit that he is rather adorable, he doesn't seem like most of the guys I've seen here.

"What's that suppose to mean? I know that we used to go out, Allison told me, but still I don't think we ended in bad terms right?" I asked him, raising one eyebrow in curiosity. I saw him take a deep breath and shrug.

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