Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

    It's been several months since this thing with Louis started. We've been acting more and more like a couple and sometimes I have a hard time remembering that it's all an act. The minute the PR team gives us the go-ahead, it's bye-bye Lilo.
     Today is one of those rare days when no one is bothering us and we have a day to relax. It's raining outside as it almost always us when we come home so we're all stuffed inside.  Louis is lounging with his head in my lap and a book open. Niall and Harry are playing Monopoly in the kitchen and every so often we'll hear Niall yelling at Harry to quit cheating. It's a relaxing day and I've almost fallen asleep with the weight of Louis in my lap and the sounds of pattering around the kitchen when I feel Louis moving. I open my eyes to seem him looking at me with a glint in his eye that tells me I'm not going to like what's coming. 
"Liam. Let's go do something. We can go see a movie or play some football. I don't want to sit here all day." He sets his book on the coffee table and rolls over so his arms are supporting his head.
   "And what, my dear Louis, shall we do when it's pouring rain outside? It's a terrible day outside and last time you played footie in the rain, you got sick." I put as much scolding in my tone as I could muster when I was facing Louis head on.
  "Take me to see a movie, lover o'mine." He said, smirking a little.
   I sighed, pushing him up so I could get up. "You know we're at home. You don't have to talk like that anymore. I'm going to get dressed though, better have your shoes on when I come back down though or I'll go see a movie by myself."
  He gave a little victory cry and got up, running towards the shoe rack. I went slowly towards the bedroom. I changed out of my shorts and into a pair of sweats and grabbed a hoodie before leaving the bedroom. I put on my sneakers and called to Harry and Niall to let them know Louis and I were leaving.
"Have fun!" And "Don't be late for dinner!" Were tossed at me before I walked out of the front door. Louis was bouncing impatiently by the car.
   This "relationship" was the worst idea I'd ever come up with. I loved Louis the day I met him and those feelings keep getting stronger every day. I can barely sit on the same couch as him so why did I agree to go to the movies with him? This was going to be hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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