Chapter Six: Using your 3DMG

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you woke up to the sounds of chirping birds... . Finally.Birds.not SHouting....

you then got ready for today's training which was using your 3DMG..

~~~~time skip to you going to the mess hall...~

you then went out of your room and made your way to the mess hall..
you grabbed a bowl of soup, bread and a glass of water...

you sat with your friends and started eating your food...

"SO~ how bout we talk about.. things like someone we like??" Said Jean...

'Hmph...Horse-face' you thought as you continued eating your food..

but as soon as those words slipped out of his mouth

Crazy Woman came running towards you and your friend's table...

"WHAT!?!? Crushes?!?! I would love to listen!!" she said with a loud voice..

you flinched to the volume of her voice....and just ignored her and continued eating

your food...

"Shut it, Sh!tty Glasses!." said a certain shorty nearby..

you then looked at him as he glanced at you...

Steel gray eyes clashing to (e/c)

after a couple of staring Crazy Woman suddenly teased..

"Hmmm~~? what's this? A certain cadet has a crush on a certain Corporal Shorty??~~" teased Crazy Woman to you..

"Shut it , Crazy Woman.." you said with an irritated voice as you glare at her ,while she just laughed...

"Well.. anyways why don't we have a game after tomorrow's awarding???" suggested Crazy Woman..with a smirk on her face..

"What Kind of Game??" asked Armin..

"well... that's a secret.." said Crazy Woman as she walks away with that devious smirk of hers..

"Well then everyone! Proceed to the training grounds!!" Shouted Commander Eyebrows...

you all then finished your food and started making your ways to the training grounds...

~~~~Time skipah!!!~~~~

you then grabbed your 3DMG.. and lined up with the rest of the Cadets...

Commander Eyebrows then announced the instructions...

well the instructions were like last time.. but this time it's not a race but a competition to see

who can kill as many Titan dummies as they can...



you then prepared to 'fly off'


you spot Titan and planned on how to kill it...


you then shot a wire on one of the trees and made your way towards the titan 

you did a front-flip and landed on their right shoulder...

you then shot a hook on one of the trees to the opposite side of the shoulder..

you spun your self towards the tree...Cutting the Titan's nape in process...
before you could even hit yourself on the placed your feet on the trunk and boosted

off to look for more titans... maneuvering your self through trees...

you then saw a small titan beneath you....

and like what you did before you unhooked your hook from the tree and fell...

and since you were falling almost hitting the ground

(Note: you were now on a lower level than the titan since you were falling..)

before you hit the ground you shot a hook on one of the tall trees..
and spun yourself towards it (in a vertical way not like Levi's which you did before..)

cutting the titan's nape in process again...

you then landed on one of the tree branches and leaped away and started to 

maneuver through trees again...

you then saw a horde of titan dummies...

'hm.. a piece of cake...' you thought as you maneuver towards them...

and since they were kinda  in a zig-zag line...

you killed them one bye one...

you did flips here and there...

doing a couple of tricks....

and then there you killed the horde of titans...

you then reached the finish line...
some Cadets were already there while some came after you...

the Commander then announced for you all to return to your dorms...

you then went back to your dorm and changed into your pj's

and slept through the night...

but before you slept your arranged your things for tomorrow ...
cause tomorrow is the time that you will be awarded for your trainings....


so anyways yo!!! please leave a comment and vote....

anyways thanks for reading..and by the next chapter It will be the time you 

will be awarded by your results of training.... and yeh..

so enjoy!!

bye reader-chans!!

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