Chapter Twelve: Reunion

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she then looks at me and I felt like this is were the fight starts...

I noticed that everyone went away and tried to aid themselves...

but looked at us as if they were the crowds and we're the performers...


~Your pOV~

she then gets into her fighting stance , and the same goes for me..

'..her hood...i can't see her face well...but....i'm pretty sure it must be her!!..' I thought as I stared at her..

~Both Pov's (You and ???)~

'well then let's get started now shall we?..' I I put away my 3DMG gear...

~??? Pov~

I then lunged at her sending her a punch as she did the same...making our punches smack together..
I then pulled back my fist and kicked her so did she.. making our legs cross...we both then pulled back away..

'damn..i remember her now....It's nice seeing you safe and still the same as ever...(Y/n)..'  I thought as I punched her...which she blocked with her arm...

....note...Luckily my hood doesn't fall of easily..[A/n: and if '???' does flips her cloak can fall off but she is fast enough to put it on before her opponent can see her face..]

~Your Pov~

She then threw a punch at me.. which I blocked by crossing my arms...

but before she can pull back her arm I grabbed her wrist and flipped her over...

but she did a backflip so was able to land on her feet and at the same time she pulled on her hood before I can even see her face..., and afterwards she threw a punch at my stomach..
which I dodged and tried to kick her side..

but then she grabbed my foot and pulled it... making me land on my back...but I did a back-flip like her and landed on my feet...

'hmm... not bad...' I thought as I tried to swoop her feet..but she managed to dodge it by jumping...

~??? POv~

she then tried to swipe her foot to make me fall but I dodged it by jumping.. and then I kicked her face in mid-air...which thrown her backwards...

but soon she then did the same by jumping high and kicked my face too...

I then stumbled backwards...

but then I saw something that made me widen my eyes, she lunged at me and did the 'move' ... by holding onto my shoulders and flipped herself over me and flipped me over her...

I then landed on my back with a thud in front of her... she was standing before me...
but soon afterwards I did what I always used to do when I fight with my old childhood friend when we fight..

I pulled her feet with my hands which made her fall on her back I quickly stood up and backed away from her.. so did she stood did her fighting stance as I did mine...

~Hanji's POv~

oh my fudge!!!!! they're so awesome when they fight...

but something makes me curious..

I observed the way they fight and I can't help but notice as if they know each others move...

plus..they fight in sync...

  this is getting pretty interesting...  

~Your Pov~

as soon as I did the 'move'.. she then landed on her back with a thud...
but soon afterwards did something that only my childhood friend would do...

she pulled both of my foot and pulled it making me fall on my back...

she then quickly stood up as I did the same...

we then stared into each other but then..there is that one thought I have in my mind right now..

and I think so does she...

~??? pov~

 we then stared into each other but then..there is that one thought I have in my mind right now..
and I think so does she...

~Both POv (You and ???)~

'and it's...'

'there is no doubt..that it's HER.....'

~Your POv~

'there is no doubt..that it's HER.....'

I thought as I ran towards her punching her stomach..

~??? POV~

'there is no doubt..that it's HER.....'

I thought as I ran towards her and punched her stomach..

~Author's POv~

They both ran to each other , punching each others stomach...

they both then fell on their backs...while clutching their stomach...and coughing  up blood...

but as soon as they fell the cloaked figure's hood came off... revealing a girl with Black hair that ends half way down her back...[so its not waist length but mid-back or something...]and piercing Blue eyes..

[P.S it's the girl in the picture on this chapter...]

while (Y/n) was still on the ground....grunting in pain so did the Black haired girl...

but soon afterwards the watching 'audience' who saw their fight...came up to them...

Levi and Levi's squad Helped (Y/n)...

while Erwin, Hanji and her squad came to helped up.. the Black haired girl..

~Your POV~

'damn..she hit me hard..' I thought as I grunted in view was getting blurry..and I saw
blurred faces going towards me..

I also heard some people calling my name..and felt being lifted...

and after a few seconds I pass out...

~??? POV~

'damn...her punch is strong...' I thought as I grunted in view started getting blurry..

But Soon I saw a blurred faces coming towards me and I felt my self being lifted...

but I soon pass out...


so yeh gaiz.. it's pretty very obvious who she is...

also I'll be updating if your moments with levi are lackinng..but I promise I'll make

you guyz have a moment with levi on the next chapter or maybe the next few chapters... or something so yeh.....

anyways bye LoLifiers!!

and i'm sorry if it sucked... this chapter that is...

[P.S blue eyes..ok? blue eyes?... LOL also it's supposed to be]
[Cause i think the eyes looked green and the hair looked brown... so i just wanted to remind you 
that her real looks are black hair and blue eyes..(she was described in the previous 2x chapter...Chapter Ten to be exact..]

also I don't own that picture..credits to the owner...

well then bye!!! Lolifiers!! (again..)

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