Chapter 1

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As long as you notice,I'm hoping you'll keep you're heart open. I'll keep mine open too.

It's always been me and him. Him and me. Us against everything. We met not too long ago but not too soon either. I've always loved him and he always loved me. I never thought we would be separated until one day,that one stupid day-my parents died. All the way across the world in Paris. A terrible car accident involving with some drunk idiot saying, "I didn't see them! I swear I didn't!" Yeah right.

I remember the day I met him. The love of my life. Jesse Rutherford.

I can't believe that I listened to him. I can't believe that I said yes to it. I can't believe that I went here. Who would even go here? An old high school football field. Like anyone would meet up with me here. I feel tears go down my cheeks as I stare at the patch of old grass in front of me. Why did I say yes? Cause I was blind and in love with him. I start to cry tears of heartbreak and stare at the stars. They all have someone up there and I don't. I'm so fucking stupid. I hear a car and look up with hope of him coming and see an old and stylish car drive onto the field. What? He doesn't drive a car like that. I should know.

A man gets out of his car,fuming with anger and slams his car door shut. I watch him as he grabs a box out of his trunk and he drops it on the ground. Hard. A hear something break inside and he growls loudly. He opens the box and picks up a picture frame and stares at it. He throws it on the ground and screams, "YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER!" Another frame is thrown. "BUT YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A LIAR!" He throws them,frame after frame and yelling and crying. The sounds break my heart because he too has been hurt like me. He finally notices me staring at him. His chocolate brown eyes visible in the moonlight as he stares at me. He walks to me slowly and my heart beats faster and faster as I watch him walk closer to me. It isn't long until he's standing in front of me.

Silence surrounds us until I speak up. "H-Hello."

His eyes widen and he replies, "Hey." He stares at me more. "I'm Jesse. How about you,sweetheart?" He continues. I blush at him calling me sweetheart. I bite my lip and stammer when my blue eyes meet his brown ones again. "I-I'm M-Max." I say.

He nods and sits next to me. I look away from making eye contact with him. "So,why's a pretty girl like you out here crying?" He asks.

I stare back at him and ask, "What's a nice guy like you out here smashing stuff and crying?" Jesse smirks. "I'm not answering until you answer my question." I tell him stubbornly.

He shrugs and leans back against the stands. "I guess we'll be here all night."

"I'm okay with that."

"Why? So you get to stare at my face the whole time,Maxy?"

I stop talking and blush more. Great. "I'm here because I got lied to. I had a girl but she was nothing but a liar and a slut. I'm here to rage everything out so when I see her,I don't shed tears for her." Jesse tells me. I gasp. How can anyone want to cheat on him? He's like a god with all his tattoos and his piercing in his nose. He looks back at me and closes his eyes. He says, "I told you. Now,you're turn to share,sweetie."

I scoff but tell him. "This guy asked me to go on a date with him and I said yes. I've been waiting since high school to go on a date with him. He tells me to go here to meet up but...he isn't here. I was stood up. I'm so stupid." I feel myself breaking down again but this time,Jesse hugs me as I cry. His embrace feels so warm and he might smell like cigarettes but it's still nice.

"You're not stupid. He is. But this is a good thing." Jesse says.

I sniffle and look up at him. "How?"

"We're 2 people with broken hearts and met each other at the same place,same time. This is destiny,Max. We're meant to meet each other." He smiles at me,a nice and gentle one and kisses my forehead. I blush from the contact and we stayed like that for hours.

I smile at that memory but then frown as I stare at my suitcase filled with clothes. I need to go back to Paris for my parents funeral and to take care of my little brother. I feel tears in my eyes as I remember hearing his crying while my aunt told me what happened. I wipe them away and continue to pack.

Jesse walks in and smiles at me. "Hey,Maxy! How's it...going..." His voice trails off when he sees my packed suitcase. He walks up to me and hugs me tightly. "Please. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong,just don't leave me too!" He whispers. I sigh and move Jesse away to look in his eyes. His chocolate brown eyes that reflected me in them with tears inside. I bite my trembling lip and say, "Jesse,I've gotta go. I have to go back to Paris. My parents....they died. My little brother needs me."

"When will you be back? Tell me it's soon."

"It''s 2 years. My brother is only 2 and I just need to raise him until he starts school,okay?"

He nods and kisses me on my lips but I move him away,even when every cell in my body tells me not to. "Jesse," I begin. "We have to break up or else it'll be never ending torture for us both." I feel tears in my eyes as I say that.

He shakes his head and says, "No! Max,baby,I can wait for you. I will wait for you! No one can replace you! Please! J-Just don't do this!" I sigh and move his arms away from me and grab my bags. "But I have to." I whisper. I walk past Jesse and to the front door. I hear him say, "I'll keep my heart open for only you,Max. No one else." I shed silent tears and open the door and close it. Paris,here I come.

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