Chapter 3

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Something is wrong. I can't explain. Everything changed when the birds came. You'll never know what they might do if they catch you too early.

I tuck Georgie into bed and smile at him. He snores softly as I touch his cheek. Ever since I first saw Georgie,I don't see him as my little brother but as like my son. That's what many people in Paris thought. They would walk up to me and say, "You have a lovely son!" Then I would tell them, "He isn't my son. He's my little brother." We do look the same and our relationship is like mother-son and brother-sister. I sigh remembering Paris. Georgie was born and raised there for 4 years and now we're in America.

"He is so adorable." A voice says. I gasp and turn around and see Jesse. I exhale and nod. "Maybe we could've had one ourselves." I freeze. Chills run down my spine at his words. I remember the talks we had. I would say 'If' and Jesse said 'When'. Having a child always scared me but I felt a bit more confident with the thought of it being with Jesse. Now,I only want Georgie. I bite my lip and get into bed next to Georgie.

Jesse stares me down with his brown eyes. He says, "We really should talk about our future,Maxy."

I wrap my arms around Georgie and shake my head. "We have no future with each other anymore. That ended 2 years ago. Move on,Jesse." I tell him. I lean my head on the pillows and Georgie snuggled into me. Before I close my eyes,I hear Jesse whisper, "Then I'll make a future with you." Fear prickles through me and I shake it off and sleep.


"I miss waking up in Paris." Georgie complains. I carry him into the kitchen and put him into the chair and sigh. I couldn't sleep as much because of what Jesse said last night. Then I'll make a future with you. What does he mean by that? "Max! Max!" I look at Georgie staring at me.

I zoned out again. I apologize to him, "Sorry,Georgie. But,it's going to be better here. I know it." He shakes his head,stubbornly. His brown hair with blond highlights in it flying into his eyes. He notices this and giggles. I ruffle his hair. "Maybe it's time for a haircut?" I say.

Georgie says, "Not meh hair!" Then he puts his hands in his hair. I laugh at how cute he is right now.

Jesse walks in and smiles at me. I pretend to not notice him and go through the cupboard for cereal. Then I feel arms around me and a face in my hair. I hear him smell my hair. "You know I love you,right? You're only mine and mine only." Jesse tells me. My cheeks only blush a little and I try to reach for the Froot Loops but I'm too short. *^* Jesse notices me struggle and smirks. He says, "Don't worry,Maxy. I got ya." He reaches for them,I can feel him press his chest into my back. The small stubble on his cheeks rub onto mine and it tickles. I bite my lip to hold back my giggles. My blush worsens a bit and I glare at Jesse while he hands me the Froot Loops. "You're welcome,babe." He says. I move away from him and look at Georgie to see if he saw that-he was playing with his hair that is covering his face. Great.

Georgie notices me pouring the cereal into the bowl. "What about croissants? You'd make them all the time and we'd have eggs and oatmeal." He complains. He frowns at the bowl and stares at me with a pout. I sigh. I really want Georgie to love California. Mom and Dad loved it here and had me but wanted to travel the world and took me to Paris,Greece,and England. They started to go to different places so much that it made it hard for me to be educated. Mom and Dad left me here in California with my cousins to be a California girl. I sigh again.

Jesse steps forward and smiles at Georgie. "Hey,little man. I know you miss your old life in Paris but you're gonna love it here in California. Look,how about the beach? Have you been there?"

Georgie shakes his head.

"And the sunsets here. God,you've gotta love them. Especially when you're on the beach and watching the sunset. The ocean is really beautiful here,Georgie. It really is. You're gonna love em. Heck,let's go to the beach today! We can watch the sunset and everything. How about that?"

Georgie smiles really big and nods. He looks at me with Mom's eyes and begs me, "PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE?!" I cover my ears at how loud he is. I shrug and say, "Maybe if you finish your bowl and we go get you a haircut then,I dunno,maybe we can go to the beach...." Georgie is already wolfing down his cereal.

I look at Jesse and see him already staring at me. I bite my lip and smile a little to him. "Thanks for getting Georgie excited about being here." I say.

Jesse shakes his head and says, "You don't need to thank me,Maxy. You just being here is enough for me." I nod and turn to walk out but he grabs my wrist and looks into my eyes. "You're not going to flirt with any guys right? It's just me." He asks me. His grip tightens on my wrist and I move it away from his grip.

I rub my red wrist. "Jesse,I'm single and been that way for 2 years. I can do whatever I want and when I want. I don't need you to watch over me." I glare at him and walk back to my room with chills running up and down my spine again. Back there,in Jesse's eyes it was like so,etching else was in there. Something scary that I don't want to see. I don't know how to explain it but today might not go as planned.

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