Chapter 5

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As long as you notice I'm hoping that you'll keep your heart open, I'll keep mine open too. So, so I'll probably take you aside and tell you what's on my mind. But you, you'll just keep it inside probably tell me that you're alright.

Jesse parks in the parking lot of the beach and smiles at me then at Georgie. He asks, "Ready for the beach, Georgie?"

Georgie nods his little head. "YES, YES, YES!!" I smile at how happy he is then I get out of the car to take Georgie out as well, I put his SpongeBob towel over his head as Jesse gets our bags and we go to the beach shore. I inhale the ocean scent and feel memories wash over me of all the times I came here with Jesse, Zach, and Jane. Memories of me and Jesse on the towel together with his arm wrapped around me as Jane and Zach yell at each other about something random. Like always, but it's still weird for me to hear that they're dating each other now. I wonder how that's working out for them.

"You're sure you put sunscreen on?" I hear a familiar voice ask filled with a hint of worry. I see Jane with her dark hair straighten with platinum at the ends and next to her is Zach himself with no shirt on with black swim shorts on. Jane wears a black bikini top and white short shorts. "Zach, I'm being serious."

He smiles at his girlfriend with a flush of pink in his cheeks as he tells her, "I'm being serious too. Do you honestly think I'm that irresponsible?"

Jesse clears his throat once we stand next to the couple and Zach's blush increases as Jane laughs adorably. She looks up at me to gasp then jumps up and hugs me tightly, yet carefully with Georgie between us.

She squeals, "Oh my god! I can't believe it!" Jane moves away from me to push my cheeks together and pokes my nose with curiosity on her face. "Max? How the fuuuuudge are you doing?!"

I release a small laugh at Jane's censorship since Georgie shouldn't be hearing curse words. I mean, this kid is fucking two years old and can repeat any new word he hears for a whole week. So, I learned to watch my words whenever something overwhelming happened with Georgie around.

I tell her, "I've been doing good and I want you to meet Georgie! My little brother!" Jane begins to melt once she looks at Georgie and I hand him to her. She's always loved kids ever since she....well, was a kid. Her parents had many kids with Jane being in the middle of seven, so she loves the heck out of little ones. 

Jane begins to bounce Georgie on her small hip and he giggles in her arms. Zach stands up to hug me tightly and I hug him back. He always acted like my older brother and lifted me up whenever he could. I missed how warm Zach's hugs felt, like a parent's hug.

God, I miss my parents still to this day. The things I'd take back just to be with them more. Suddenly, I'm pulled away from Zach to see Jesse glaring down at Zach with those darkened eyes again.

He says, "Don't you ever hug my Max like that again or I swear to god I'll fucking end your life, Zach." My eyes widen in fear for Zach and myself at the tone. It's almost as if Jesse is growling. His mouth pulled into a snarl as he puts his arm protectively around me and he placed his body in front of me. "I'm serious, Zach. Stick to Jane and everything will be fine."

Zach glares back at his best friend. "Stop acting like this, Jesse. This isn't like you at all." He tells him before following Jane towards the shore where she spins Georgie around, oblivious to the scene that just took place.

I shove Jesse away from with a heavy glare on my face and scold him. "Jesse, what the hell was that about?! Zach was only hugging me because he hasn't seen my in two years and it was in a brotherly way, prick! You don't own me!"

Jesse's furious eyes only seem to intensify and he moves himself closer to me until he's towering over me. His form blocks the sun, but I only see his shadowed face filled with pure anger. "You'll always be mine, Maxine! Don't you understand that? No one is allowed to touch you or love you the way I do. So," Jesse's voice deepens into a growl and he grabs my hands to force them into his as an evil smile shines on his face. "Be a good girlfriend and let me be the only one to look at you."

Do something! Anything to show people around us that Jesse is hurting you! I yell at myself in my head to even knee him in the balls, yet I do nothing. All I do is stand with fear in my eyes as I search Jesse's face for the slightest sign of him bluffing. But, I don't find it.

I only see the clear proof that Jesse sees me only as his possession and won't let me go. The only sliver of confidence I have left is used for me to gulp then whisper, "Fuck you, Jesse James Rutherford."

He chuckles deeply then releases me to take a towel from me and lays it on the sand before laying down himself on the towel. Jesse puts on his sunglasses and looks up at the sky.

There's so much I want to do to hurt him like he did me. I want to stomp on his dick. I want to kick sand into his face. I want to bitchslap this motherfucker hard enough to leave a red handprint on his face until the day he dies!

I choose not to because I don't want to start a scene and a part of me doesn't want to hurt Jesse. Goddamn that part for still loving this guy. I hear Georgie squeal and I turn towards the waves to see Jane and Zach holding his hands as they lift him up to jump over every wave that rolls towards him. 

Seeing Georgie enjoying himself makes me forget the negatives of coming here and walk towards him until I hear the softest whisper. It's another growl from Jesse with the words barely being audible.

"You better watch your back, Max. I'll make him disappear if it means to be with you."





Anyways, shoutout to JesseTheCrybaby for suggesting an idea for the rest of the storyline and I hope you guys can tell what the idea is...... ;)

There's a few more chapters left, like three or four and I'm planning on making the last one much longer than usual, so prepare yourselves. :)

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