Update I Guess

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For you people out there that read this story and have been begging me to update it like someone JesseTheCrybaby . I'm sorry but I have been busy with stuff and I've been on and off cause I don't know if I can continue on. My best friend committed suicide recently and it was Lily. If you know who she is then you'd know that I honestly am in the mood for nothing right now. Me and TheLostBoys1514 are on and off I guess and I've been trying to finish writing chapter 5 for Prey but it is really hard to. I'm not mad right now since that's one of my main emotions but I've been just sad. So please bear with me if I don't update all the time. I'm really trying but my whole mind is like "What's the point?" But my friend and other people want me to update so Chapter 5 will come up soon hopefully and I'm sorry if you gave up on my story. If you haven't then thank you and please hold on longer. Thank you.

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