Chapter Five

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I watched for another sign of the rail thin girl but didn’t get another glimpse of her.  There was something wrong with her, she was too skinny, too pale and her face was puffy and discolored.  No way did I believe she was anorexic by choice and no way did she get those bruises on her face by falling.  I knew the signs of abuse and neglect; I had been through it.  From the time I was old enough to remember until I was nine I looked a lot like her.  Luckily, a teacher had finally noticed the bruises and the fact I only weighed fifty pounds.  Child services were called in and I was taken away from my father.  My mother had died giving birth to me and he never forgave me for it.  

I wanted to help Memory but she refused to talk to me or even look at me.  She seemed desperate and hopeless.  I hated seeing that look on her face and I noticed a few times when I moved too fast she would flinch away.  The last thing I wanted was for her to be afraid of me.   I stayed up late that night, hoping she would come out to swing but she never showed up, I had scared her away.  I didn’t know when I would get the chance to talk to her.  

 It was impossible for me to sleep; thoughts of what was happening in the house next door kept me awake and alert all night.  I even kept my window open on the chance I would hear something from the house or the swing set.  By morning my mind and body were wound tight and I was determined to talk to Memory today.

As I dressed and got ready to leave for school I kept my ears and eyes open for the sound of Memory leaving for school.  By the time I reached my car I had heard nothing.  She rides the bus, so maybe she left earlier than I did; I kept telling myself I would find her when I reached the school but she was nowhere to be found.  I went to my first class with a feeling of apprehension.  What if something happened last night?  What if she was lying in her house dead?  Images of her thin body broken and bleeding came to mind.  My worry was getting out of control and I felt absolutely sick.  

As the first bell rang Memory limped in and took the seat beside me.  My relief was so profound; I had to hold in the urge to hug her.  She kept her head tipped forward so her onyx colored hair hid her face from my view.  

“Alright class, today I am going to put you with a partner and I’m going to give you an assignment that will be due in a week.”  Ms. Kelly said and a chorus of groans went up from around the room.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Memory stiffen.  

Ms. Kelly named off pairs and the last names she called were mine and Memory’s.  This is my chance, I thought.  We would have to work together after school; she would have to talk to me.  

After handing out the assignment and explaining what was to be done, class was over.  I gathered my things slowly, watching as Memory did the same.  She didn’t even look strong enough to carry the huge Literature book.  When she noticed I was still beside her she grabbed her things and ran for the door.  I followed close behind, watching as she paused every now and then to look around.  It seemed like she was searching for something.  She glanced back and my eyes met her heather colored ones.  They immediately filled with shock and fear.  She quickly turned and took off for the girl’s bathroom.  I went around the corner, planted myself against the wall and waited.  

The bell for second period rang and the halls cleared out, the late bell rang and she still didn’t come out.  I waited, sure she wouldn’t stay in there the whole class period.  Minutes later she emerged and headed off toward the back of the school.  I followed at a distance, making sure she wouldn’t notice me.  She kept looking around , searching for something.  

At the end of the hallway she stopped in front of a door marked ‘Roof Access.’  Her hand went out to test the knob and my stomach churned at the thought of why she would want to go to the roof.  I sighed in relief when she found it locked.  Her shoulders slumped in disappointment and I had to backtrack quickly as she turned around.  I ran for the nearest bathroom and shoved my way inside.  

I Pray for DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin