Chapter Eighteen

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Six months later, the days in court started all over again.  Grayson and I were out of school for summer vacation, the weather was hot and muggy.  The past months were the best of my life.  Grayson and I did everything together, homework, watching TV, and swinging on the swing set.  He took me on dates and did everything possible to make me feel special.  

We were ready to get through our senior year and move on with our lives, but first my parents would be on trial for Shayde’s death.  

This time walking into court, I felt none of the apprehension and fear I felt six months ago.  Living with Hope, Faith and Grayson had turned my life around.  Grayson was my world and Hope and Faith were my guiding lights.  I was confident and stronger than I ever thought I could be.  

 I watched from the row of chairs on the right side of the courtroom, as my parents were drug from a door on the left, the same door the officers pushed them through when found guilty of attempted murder and child abuse.  

They looked years older; the eyes that had once gleamed with hate and evil were now empty and dull.  They didn’t even glance up to see me sitting there watching.  My mother was skinny and stooped and my father simply looked years older than he was.  Six months in prison hadn’t been kind to them.    

I watched as they sat down and stared down at their hands.  They reminded me of myself all those months ago, beaten and scarred.  I felt absolutely nothing for them; I couldn’t even feel the slightest bit of sympathy for them.  They deserved the punishment that the judge gave them.  

The trial for Shayde went on for weeks.  The school excused me from classes so I could attend and Grayson would help me with the work once I got home.  I testified within the first week, telling everything I knew and everything I saw that day.  When the jury reached the verdict of guilty, I said a little prayer of thanks on Shayde’s behalf.  The judge added twenty-five more years onto their previous sentence.  

After one last look at my parents, I turned and walked out, never looking back.  

At school, the other kids would stare and whisper behind their hands.  Everyone in town read about the trials and my parents.  Grayson protected me from any teasing or bad talk.  Most people just felt sorry for me and kept quiet, but I didn’t need their pity.  I was happy, healthy and safe now.  

The love between Grayson and I never wavered, even though I had my doubts that he would want to stay with me in the beginning.  Everyday he kissed me as if it was the first and last he would ever have.  

 My parent’s house sold and the profits went to back bills and the rest the county gave to me.  I tried to give some to Hope and Faith but they refused and told me to save it for college.  

My life was complete with my new family.  I had all I had ever wanted from a family and a love I had never expected from Grayson.  

As time went on, I became more confident and independent.  Time and people who loved me changed everything and helped me grow into an outgoing and vivaciously happy person.  

I moved on from the loss I felt when Shayde died, even though sometimes I swore I could feel her presence near and I desperately wanted to see her beautiful smile one more time.  

Grayson and I graduated college with honors and came home to Hope and Faith to celebrate.  Our rooms were just as we left them and the mural on my wall meant even more to me as I looked back to the past and everything that happened then.  The painting was them telling me I had a place in their home and their hearts.  

I stood in the doorway and stared at the beauty of the Faith’s painting.  The months away at school made me realize how lovely it truly was, how much I missed this small room and most of all how much I missed Hope and Faith.  Now, I called both of them mom just like Grayson.  They hadn’t adopted me, considering I was already seventeen when my parents signed away their rights, but I still felt as if they were my parents.  I hardly ever allowed myself to think of my real parents.  

I felt arms snake around my waist and pull me back into a hard chest and I smiled.  I laid my head back on Grayson’s shoulder and kissed his jaw.  


“Hey, what are you doing standing here?” he asked.

“Just thinking.”  I smiled and turned to give him a hug.  He had grown a few more inches and filled out into a very handsome man, even more handsome than he was when I first met him.  

He nodded and I knew he understood what I was thinking of.  He smiled down at me and brushed my dark hair away from my face.  “I was thinking we should sneak out and swing like old times.”

I laughed, “Sounds good but I think we’re old enough that we don’t have to sneak out anymore.”

“True, but it sounds more adventurous if we have to sneak out.”  He whispered as his lips connected with mine.  The kiss caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach and warmth to flood my veins.  He pulled back, leaving me wanting more and grinned as if he had a secret.  

“Let’s go.”  He took my hand and led me through the house.  We passed Hope and Faith on the couch with a wave and they turned to watch us go out the back door.  As the door closed behind us I could hear their giggles, they hadn’t changed at all.

We swung in the bright moonlight just like we did almost every night after Grayson saved me from jumping off the school roof.  

“Do you think we’ll ever get too old to swing?”  I asked with a laugh.

“Never, with you by my side this is where I feel the most at home, even if I don’t like heights.”  

“You can’t go too high anyway.”  I teased with a smile.

He smiled and pulled my swing to a stop next to him.  Leaning over, he kissed me and took my hands in his.  As he held my hands, he slid my ring around my finger and gently eased it off.  I started to protest that I never took the ring off but he slid it onto my right hand before I could say anything.  

“Grayson, what…”  My words caught in my throat as he reached into his pocket and came out with ring box.  He opened the box and presented it to me as he slid to his knee in front of me.  I gasped as the moonlight reflected off the diamond ring in his hand.  Tears immediately welled in my eyes and surprise took over my thoughts.  

His face was serious but I could see the smile lingering in his eyes and around his mouth.  

“Memory, I love you so much, I couldn’t live without you by my side everyday.  Will you marry me?”  

I nodded emphatically, unable to say anything out loud and jumped into his arms, taking him off guard.  We tumbled into the grass, our arms holding tightly to the people we loved the most.  He pulled away briefly to slide the engagement ring on my finger and then cradle my face in his hands.  He wiped my tears away and kissed me softly, leaving a promise of more to come on my lips.  

(Bunny's note)  Sorry it took so long and that it's not that long of a chapter.  If I have time I might go back and add to it.  Anyway, there will be an epilogue.  Pic is the ring!  I hope you like it and comment, vote and fan!  I love you all! 

Bye My Bunnies!<3

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