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School was a bore but that was a given. Although, sitting off by yourself in a classroom for an hour couldn't exactly be fun.

I didn't do much in this class. You couldn't anyways considering it was history class. All you could really do was endure the torturous lectures of what went down during World War Two.

I let out one more quiet sigh as I slumped down in my seat. This class was so boring. Maybe it would be fun if our teacher wasn't 100 years old. The whole period was soporific, really.

So much so, I always found myself writing little things on scrap paper to keep me, in the slightest bit, interested. Most people would doodle but I didn't have a single artistic fiber in my body so that was off the table.

It was something different each class. Every class brought a new style and a new topic, too. This time I was blessed by the boredom god's with a couple haikus about the teacher's appearance.

"With age comes beauty."
I wish this counted for him.
Maybe his vanished.

Or what if it died,
Right with his ability
To keep us awake?

Either way his class
Is never my favorite.
It is such a bore.

I snickered to myself at my doings. I could be funny. Maybe, if my plan to become a writer doesn't work out, I could become a stand-up comedian.

"Okay, you may all pack up and leave now." My teacher finally said as the bell went off. That was the one thing I really listened to him say out of the whole duration of the class. The relief of getting dismissed from this class made my day sometimes, in fact.

Now I had English class. Right before the day ended, too. This was my best, and most favorable, class but it still saddened me because it was the last class and shorter than the others. It was a somewhat small class and they were all kids from my grade which was good, I think.

I took my seat in the back, what a surprise, and pulled out my notebook. It was filled with short stories and tales of whatever I felt like writing that day. Though those were only for my seeing. I gave my teacher the ones I was forced to write with ease. Often times they had little to no thought or passion put into them but my teacher was always impressed with each piece I handed her. She really didn't need to be but it was whatever, I suppose.

I settled right as she spoke and I listened intently. I loved this class. It really just gave me a break from the stress of being bored 24/7 and stressed about pointless science projects.

"Welcome, everyone. Are you all excited? It's the last period of the day!" Mrs. Flynn exclaimed. Female teachers were always more alive than male ones and it was, quite honestly, refreshing. A few students cheered, granted they all had social lives and would do that to anything that concluded the day.

"Alright, yes. So I'm going to be giving you all a break today. It'll be a light class today so just take out the homework assignment and get with a partner to revise." Fuck. I hated partner work. I didn't have friends so I didn't ever know what to do. It normally resulted in me sitting there and doing the work myself while everyone else went off with their friends.

I took my time getting my paper out of my backpack. The assignment from last night was simple, sure, but this task was unbearable. Well, not really but I like putting emphasis on my colorless life events.

Going slow was a no-go. It didn't waste time because I still needed a partner. I watched as the remaining students quickly paired up with people they liked and knew. How did they do that? Not so much as pair up but get to be good friends like that? I wanted a friend but I would never make the first move. Too much thought had to be put in and too many things could go wrong in just a matter of seconds. It was too risky.

Sighing, I slouched over and grabbed my red pen, beginning to read over my work. I guess I had to work alone for now.

A couple minutes went by and I looked up. My work wasn't too long but I was thinking about useless things so taking a break would be nice. As I looked up, I saw a boy attentively looking at me. It wasn't even from a respectable distance though, that was the odd thing. He was right in front of me and turned around to be staring right at me.

"Woah." I said in almost a whisper. He looked out of it before I spoke but he soon came back down to Earth.

"Oh, shoot. I'm sorry I was staring." He quickly apologized.

"You're fine." I dismissed, going back to my work. That really wasn't an option for me though because the boy kept talking.

"That was embarrassing, huh? Hey, I know! Why don't we be partners in this? I've been sitting alone and you have been too, right?" I nodded with my mouth agape. He was pretty straightforward in this.

"Oh, okay. Sure." I spoke up a little louder this time. He smiled widely and pulled his chair over to my desk so he at a better angle.

"Alright, what do we have here?" He took my paper from my hand and analyzed it. I reached for his as he held it out for me.

"Ah, Tyler." He mumbled to himself. That reminded me: What even was his name? I'd seen him before but never got the chance to know him, let alone his first name. I scanned the paper and found it at the top. Josh. That was his name.

"Josh." I said out loud. He looked up and gave me a smile. I didn't really return one but I tried only I just ended up staring at him. It was awkward but at least I got a chance to look at his features. He had dyed pink hair. I mean, it was faded but it was still there. It looked nice, nonetheless. He had a sweet face with his small eyes and a sort of large mouth that held bright white teeth.

I cleared my throat and went back to reading his work. This was good, really. He just had a couple of spelling and grammatical mistakes but it was good. I put down the freshly edited paper on my desk and looked to see if he was finished with mine yet. I watched him as he put my work down. My paper didn't even have marks on it, what the heck?

"You're not going to correct anything?" I tilted my head to the side and grabbed my paper from the table.

"No way, man. That was way too great to correct anything." I frowned. I had marked up his paper a lot. He couldn't just give me a blank paper.

"What? No. I feel bad now."

"Why?" He looked at me like he didn't have a clue as to what I was talking about.

"Because I practically rewrote your whole paper for you where as you just read it and told me it was great." I explained with a bit of frustration. This was stressing me out.

"Calm down there, Tyler." He laughed. This wasn't funny but I still collected myself.

"Okay but I still feel like you should do something." I told him. He only shook his head and looked down at the watch that rested on his left wrist.

"Mm no time for that, sorry." The bell rang. Josh retrieved his paper from my desk and grabbed his chair to turn it around. I saw him gather his belongings and stuff them in his bag before heading out the door like everyone else.

In a hurry, I did the same and left the building. I had to catch my bus. Riding the bus was worse than history class. Half the time it was unpredictably full and I had to share a seat with someone I didn't know and I had to sit there listening to freshmen scream and yell to their friends that were right next to them. It was horrible.

Luckily though, not many people were on the bus for a Friday and I got to have my own seat. I sat in the middle but where I was closer to the front. The back of the bus wasn't my favorite place but it was fine as long as I got a seat. I took out my phone and scrolled through Tumblr while I waited for the bus to pull out of the school parking lot and take me home.

It was a routine day. I went to school, attended my boring and interesting classes then headed home where I would head straight for my room and lock myself away from everyone for the rest of the night. No one would mind. They never did anyways.


This is the third time I've changed this and it's the last time I, swear it. This Joshler will be short, too so that's good. You know what else is good? Circles by Pierce The Veil. Misadventures will be amazing.

enjoy, boi *

(yee that rhymed)

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