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"Sorry, excuse me!" I ran past everyone in the hall, accidentally bumping into people as I moved. Granted they were just as late to last period as I was. Twenty minutes late, if we're counting.

"But, how?" You may be asking. I got locked in the bathroom, that's how! All I was doing was going pee and then the janitor locked me in there!

I was banging on the door for what seemed like forever until the principle came and unlocked it. It was so embarrassing, I swear to God. I mean, who gets locked in the bathroom anyways?!

Whatever, I just had to get to English. I didn't like being late and walking into a room where everyone would be staring at you would make it so much worse.

When I got to the room, I threw open the door and went in. Just as I expected, everyone turned their full attention to me but, then again, why wouldn't they? I practically jogged over to my seat and gave Josh a small smile before sitting down.

"You're late." He turned around and told me. I nodded and sighed as I slumped back in my seat. I looked around, trying to find Mrs. Flynn but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"Where's Mrs. Flynn?" I leaned forward and asked him.

"She's not here. We have a sub but they just went to the bathroom. She said that Flynn didn't leave any work for us so we can just relax." He explained. I nodded as he finished. At least I was off the hook for being tardy.

A couple of minutes later the sub came in and I told them I was here. They didn't ask me for a pass so I just went back and talked to Josh for the rest of class.

We'd been talking a lot, I've noticed. I mean, if two weeks count as a lot then, yeah, a lot. He was actually really nice and funny and I enjoyed talking with him.

"I don't know, I feel like aliens exist." Josh smiled. He was a bit weird but that's alright. I liked it.


"Yeah, I mean, you never know what's out there. We don't even know what's at the bottom of the oceans so who's to say aliens can't be out there?"

"That's a good point. Then mermaids could be real, too." I added with a chuckle at the end. He lifted his hand up for a high five and I returned it in a swift movement. Right as I did so, the bell went off and I slung my bag over my shoulder to go.

"I'll catch you later, Tyler. Look out for my messages!" Josh told me. I smiled and nodded before taking off out the door.

Today I had work so I got off the bus at a different stop that was closer to the ice cream shop. I had a long shift tonight so that kind of sucked but at least I had more opportunity for tips. I'd be the only one working tonight, too, so I got the keep the tip jar tips and my personal ones.

When I got there Jenna was waiting at the front door. She couldn't leave until I got there, I just hoped I wasn't too late.

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting." I jogged up to the door.

"Oh, you're fine. Just make sure you lock up. Later, Tyler." Jenna said. She threw me the keys and walked to her car as I got inside and changed in the back room, getting ready for my shift.

Work went smoothly. I didn't get an overwhelming amount of customers but enough to have a decent amount of tips.

I closed up around 9:30 and walked home since my mom went out for the night. Fun.

I ran home because I hated being alone in the dark. It was fucking scary. When I got home, I took a shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. This was usually how my Friday nights went and there didn't seem to be a change in sight.

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