fifteen (final)

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Summer vacation. This was going to be awesome. I had Josh with me, my job paid well and I had a car. I could go anywhere I wanted considering my mom was never here. It would be great.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked Josh as he got out of the car and leaned in from the window.

"Mhm." He hummed, leaning in for a kiss. I gladly gave him one.

"I love you." He told me, smiling big. "Very much."

"I love you too, even more so." I couldn't stop smiling. Things were going so well.

"Just text me when you want to be picked up." I told him as he nodded and walked into the house. I pulled off and went home to get some sleep in. Tomorrow Josh and I would be going to the beach for a date type thing. I thought it would be fun and I needed my energy if I'd be in that hot sun all day.

As soon as I got home, I showered and went to bed. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.


I woke up around eight. Josh hadn't texted me so I figured he was sleeping still.

Sighing, I got out of bed and fixed myself breakfast while I killed time and watched some Netflix.

After about an hour, I cleaned up and got dressed. I just had to wait for Josh now. He still hadn't texted me, which was odd, but I guess it was okay. I just had to busy myself so I didn't get too anxious.

I spent my time downstairs after I finished packing my things. That was in hopes to pass time quicker though it didn't even work.

"Tyler." My mom called out to me suddenly. When did she get here?

"Yeah." I answered plainly. She met me in the living room and looked at me with guilty, sad eyes along with a visibly quivering lip.


Silence. Worry.

"Mom, what?" I urged, standing up from the plush seat I was once in.

"I'm so sorry, Tyler." She told me, pulling me in for a hug. I furrowed my eye brows and pushed her off of me. What the heck?

"What-" My phone rang.
Joan. It read. What the hell was going on?

"Hello?" I answered.

"Tyler?" Joan sounded small.

"Yes?" Something was way off and I didn't like the discomfort.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry." She said, sobbing towards the end. But it sounded like she was saying such words to herself. Like she wanted pity. I understood now.

Dropping my phone and grabbing my keys, I speedily drove to Josh's house. I must have ran every red light there was and disregarded every stop sign but I wasn't worried about that at the moment. Those didn't matter. What was happening at Josh's house mattered.

When I got there I raced up the front steps and into the house. Police cars and ambulances were scattered on the street but I ignored them.

I barged in the house and saw Joan sitting on the floor, a weeping and sniffling mess.

"What happened?!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. Joan could barely get words out so all she did was point up the stairs where two men were carrying Josh on a gurney.

I rushed over to them and ordered them to wait as I pulled off the white sheet that laid on top of Josh's cold, deceased body and broke down. I wouldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying.

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