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Ever since Josh and I "declared our friendship" about a month ago we'd been hanging out more. Even though it was mainly just lunch, English class and my house, I still counted it as hanging out. I had fun with him. We always messed about and laughed. It was a new and fun experience, honestly.

We'd made a plan for him to come over my house today since I didn't have work. My house really wasn't that exciting so I didn't even know what to do with him. We'd found things in the past but that was out of luck, I think.

"You know my house is going to be really boring, right?" I told him as he began writing the paper we were just assigned.

"Nah, it'll be fun like last time, remember?" Josh smiled. Last time he and I ordered pizza and went on my trampoline like a bunch of little kids. It was fun though, I had to admit.

"Eh, we'll see." I shrugged and wrote my name on my blank sheet of paper.

"Don't worry, we'll find something to do." He assured. I agreed and began working on our assignment for the day. It wasn't too hard, just to write a six-word memoir about our childhood, so class went by quickly.

When the bell rang, I walked with Josh to my bus. It was hard not to lose him in the crowd of people that flooded the halls but we eventually made it on the bus and home.

"I don't have money today, so I'm sorry if we go some place." He told me. "I don't know why I didn't bring my wallet." He practically face palmed and I chuckled at him. It really wasn't a big deal.

"It's fine, don't worry. My mom gives me money for food everyday so, it's whatever." I explained, setting my bag down on my bed and walking to the door. I led Josh down my stairs and into the kitchen where the money lied on one of the counters.

"See? Thirty bucks." I held up to him. He nodded and I grinned, leading him out the front door and down the street to the corner store. I was in the mood for chips so getting a bag wasn't such a bad idea.

The walk to the store wasn't as quiet as expected. Josh passed the time by laughing and telling me stories about the past. I laughed with him and added my input as we went. It was fun, really, and I got to know more stupid things about him. He was actually really interesting.

When we walked in, I made a beeline for the back where most of the chips were and stood back to showcase the selections.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked Josh.

"Always a slut for Doritos." He stated, grabbing the nacho chips. I couldn't contain my laughter at how calm he sounded when saying that. Who says that anyways?

"What the hell?" I was hysterical. He's fucking weird.

"Shut up." He whined. "Just pick yours now." I shook my head in disbelief and quickly grabbed a big bag of Lays.

"Always a slut of Lays." I said in a mocking tone between fits of laughter. Josh playfully hit me out of frustration and annoyance before walking off and heading towards the drinks.

We got whatever we wanted before paying and heading home again. When we got home, I immediately went upstairs. There was absolutely nothing to do downstairs and I had a television in my room so; win-win there.

"Just put your stuff over here." I directed Josh, pointing to the end of my bed as I climbed on top of it. He did as instructed and sat next to me on the bed. I started up the television and put Netflix on while I asked him what he wanted to watch.

"What do you want to watch?" I turned to him and opened my new bottle of soda. He shrugged his shoulders and dug in his bag for chips to eat.

"Okay." I settled. "Have you ever seen The Office?" His eyes lit up and he smiled.

"I love that show. Let's watch it." He grabbed the remote from me and put it on. We sat there for a while in silence but it was comfortable silence. The air was mostly filled with sounds of chewing, opening up bottles and laughing and I enjoyed it.

It was getting a little late now though, it being nine thirty and all. I looked out my nearest window to see the sky pitch black. I turned back over to Josh and I saw he was barely holding his eyes open. Usually he went to bed later but he was a goner right now.

"Josh." I said. He hummed and let his head drop to my shoulder, not having enough energy to fight holding it up anymore. I sighed and left him there as I set his empty bag on the ground so he wouldn't get crumbs all over my mattress.

I don't think he had to leave just yet so I let him sleep on me for the time being. I, honestly, didn't even know when he had to leave. I contemplated going in his phone and texting his parents but his phone went off before I even grabbed it. He sure enough wasn't going to answer it now and I didn't want to but then I read what the message said and it truly broke my heart.

Dad: You're not home and that's pissed me off all day. You're such an ass. Just don't bother coming home until I say because I really don't feel like dealing you anymore. What a depressed, lonely, freak. I mean, when I see you I just want to punch you in the face, Josh. Sometimes I follow through and sometimes I don't but maybe, the next time I see you, you won't be such a screw up.

A wave of emotions washed over me and I suddenly felt so angry, sad, protective and scared for Josh. Why would anyone, especially parents, treat someone like that? It was abusive and it was wrong.

I looked up from the screen and at Josh in shock but then I saw how peaceful he looked sleeping on me. He seemed okay and content. I didn't want to ruin that either so I threw his phone to the couch adjacent to us. Josh seeing this when he woke up was the last thing I wanted.

I laid us down on the bed, side by side, and turned off the light and TV. My plan of keeping him next to me failed though, as he clung to me and cuddled into my upper torso, resting his head on my chest.

I couldn't move him, I didn't even want to. The contact with him felt nice, it felt natural and I didn't feel the need to disrupt the sensation so I left him there and went to bed. I'd talk to him about what's happening at home in the morning, but only if he's up for it. I would never want to make him purposefully uncomfortable.
I publish a lot of this from my phone at 4 in the morning when I can't sleep.

lates *

driving south (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora