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Dating someone was fun. Dating Josh was fun and we were only four months in. We always did something and, when we didn't, we just hung out like old times only with acceptable kissing mixed in.

Josh was more open with things now, too. He told me how his therapy went all the time and about how he was doing. Sometimes he would be really off though. He wouldn't even tell me what was going on during those times and I always became worried. I made sure to give him nice hugs in favor just to be sure he knew he was cared for and as long as he knew that, I believed he would be okay.

It felt nice knowing about him and stuff though. It was like he had such great trust in me and that was a good thing. I had just as much trust, if not more, so him feeling the same way made me feel good.

School was no different, too. People barely paid attention to us. We only did small things, like hold hands and the occasional kiss, anyways so there wasn't much to pay attention to.


"I'll see you at home?" I asked Josh as we packed our things from last period and began to leave.

"Yeah. I'll be there around four." He told me with a sweet smile on his face.

"Okay. I'll see you then." I beamed. Josh chuckled and leaned in to kiss me so I accepted and locked our lips together. I loved kissing him. His lips were so soft and welcoming that I melted at every motion he made.

"Bye, Ty."

"Bye." I bit my lip as I watched him walk off. He dropped me off at my mom's car today before heading back in the school to get some extra help on work.

I threw my book bag in the back before heading to the passenger seat and buckling in.

"I won't be home, Tyler." She informed me. "I have to go out of town. I'll be coming back Sunday." She said it in such a tone that was like I was supposed to know this information already. It was a miracle she even picked me up today, why would I know her personal schedule?

"Oh no." I muttered sarcastically. She didn't catch on though so I was in the clear.

"Don't plan anything too hasty, please." She told me. I ignored her request for right now. I don't know what she thinks I'll be doing but that's not it.

"Why do you have to go out of town again?" I questioned, turning to her and waiting for a reply.

"I have to meet a friend and I have business to handle up there." She told me after a bit. Liar.

"Sounds fun." I got out of the car and got my stuff from the back before walking up the porch stairs and into the house.

"When are you getting your license?" She asked, trying to make conversation with me.

"Next week on Tuesday."

"Okay. The other car is waiting for you in the garage. Just take it when you're ready." My mom said in a plain tone.

"That's it?" I sighed as she nodded her head. "Thanks." Sarcasm.


When Josh came over, my mom was long gone. She'd changed into different clothes, finished packing, gave me money and left with a simple, "I'll see you Sunday, Tyler. Have a nice night." Motherly love is always my favorite, I must say.

Now Josh and I were cuddled on the large couch in my living room, watching Netflix on the television. We'd gotten food earlier so now we were just relaxing. That's usually what we did at ten-thirty at night anyways.


"Yeah, Ty." He answered sleepily. I knew he was going to go to bed soon but I just wanted to hear his voice before I slept, too.

"Can I ask you something?" I settled against his chest and brought the warm blanket we shared up to my chest.

"Anything." He let out a heavy breath.

"How come you and your mom are so close? My mom and I are like strangers." I got quiet at the end. I just noticed how nice they seemed together even though they lived with an asshole.

"Cutie, you know my dad's a mess. We have to stick together. Having one parent is better than none." He rubbed my arm up and down as he pulled me closer to him by the waist.

"I guess that's true." I went quiet and in deep thought.

"What's the matter?" He asked. I shook my head and turned around to face him so I could bury my head into his chest.

"Nothing. Goodnight, Josh."

"No, sleep can wait for a little. What's wrong?" He shifted his body so he could look at me better as the light illuminated the room we laid in.

"I just was thinking, is all. I don't like the way my family is. My dad left and my mom is never here. And I don't like the situation you're in either. Your dad is horrible. He's just terrible but you and your mom are nice together. You guys are so close. I wish I had that with someone..."

"You do have it."

"I don't think so."

"Sure you do. With me. I think it's great, don't you?" I couldn't help but smile at that. Why did he have to be so amazing?

"Stop it." I grinned.

"You know you're close to me and you love it. I'm a great person to be close with, babe."

"I know you are and I do love it, you're right." I smiled again. Josh was great.

"I love you." That was it. My smile was permanent and my heart was beating faster than anything.

"I love you too." I could practically feel him smile back at me. Things were good right now. Things were okay.

"Are you feeling better?" I nodded eagerly and closed my eyes as I got closer to Josh.

"Good. Goodnight, Tyler." He kissed the top of my head as we both settled.

"Goodnight." I responded after a yawn, eventually falling asleep in Josh's secure and warm grasp.

That's what I liked about Josh. He made me feel better and he was there. I was mad I doubted it earlier but I was glad he reminded me. I just wish things were better for him but I couldn't do much about it. Just offer my "services" to him and hope he gets better through my care, affection and love. Love. That's what I felt towards him in just four months in? Love?


Softball is over. I'm surprised I enjoyed the season. Next year's going to be tough :(

later gator *

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