The RV

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Enid's POV

          After I convinced Carl to let me go, we walk out to the RV together.

"There you are. We're just waiting on Sasha and Abraham now." Rick looks at me, "You coming too?"

I nod, "Yeah." He nods in response, and enters the RV. As I start to follow him, Carl reaches out and grabs my hand.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I open my mouth to complain, but he cuts me off.  "Okay, okay.  Just - just stay close to me, alright?"

"I will," I assure him. For a moment he just looks at me, clearly thinking about something, though I don't know what. Evidently, he finished thinking about it, because he broke the piercing stare and nods, turning to enter the RV.

          The RV always seemed so small to me, but when I step inside it actually seems pretty spacious.  I hear someone crying in the little room at the end, so, naturally, I can't help but peek inside.  When I nudge the door open a crack, I see Maggie asleep on the twin bed, her face contorted into her now constant expression of pain.  And, sitting on the floor weeping, I find Glenn. 

          I push the door open the rest of the way, slip inside, and pull it closed behind me.  Glenn hears me and looks up, rapidly wiping his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he was balling his eyes out.

          I sit down next to him on the floor, "I'm worried about her too."

          He's silent for a moment.  "I hate seeing her like this."  He continues to wipe his eyes. 

          "So do I.  The two of you've kinda become like my... my parents."

          Glenn turns to look at me, tears still in his eyes.  "You've become like a daughter to us."

Ever since my parents died, I've felt alone. I haven't had a family. But these people, not just Maggie and Glenn, Rick's entire group, they're my family now.

I put my hand on Glenn's shoulder. "She's gonna make it. She's a survivor. Just like you and me." He smiles, though the pain hiding behind it is obvious. He pulls me into a hug, and we just sit there like that for a while until the RV starts moving.

When I come out of the small room, I find Carl standing by the cabinets, rifling through them.

"Looking for something?" He turns, looking surprised.

"I didn't hear you come out."

"You don't hear anything," I laugh. "Seriously, how dead do you have to be not to hear how loud you are?"

"Haha, I'm noisy," he makes a face at me, and it only looks goofier because of the bandage covering half his face. "I can't find my backup pistol."

"How many pistols do you have?" I join him in looking through the cabinets, immediately finding a small black pistol tucked behind soup bowls. "Is this it?" I ask as I pull it out slowly.

"I swear, you have superpowers," he says, taking the pistol. We both laugh, and I sit on the couch, staring out the window at what's left of the world.

"Do you ever wonder what you'd be like if the world hadn't ended?" Carl sits down next to me, but doesn't look out the window.

"The world didn't end. It just... started over." I turn and look at him.

"You really think so?"

He doesn't say anything for a moment, and fiddles with his gun. "Yeah. Besides, I don't like to think about what anything would be like if this hasn't happened. It just makes you think you missed out on something." He looks away from the gun and at me. "I haven't missed out on anything."

Carl's POV

Glenn hasn't moved since we got here. He's been in the back of the RV, sitting with Maggie, since we got in. I can tell he's worried. Hell - he's terrified. He cares so much about Maggie, and now that she's pregnant...

We've been driving for almost an hour. Dad and Michonne are in the front, Eugene, Abraham, and Sasha sit around the small table going over the map, and Aaron's with Maggie and Glenn.

I made Enid promise to stay close to me, so I could keep an eye on her. When I said that, she made a funny face at me, but she promised. About 20 minutes after we left, Enid declared that she was tired, and she proceeded to make me her pillow. Right now, she's asleep, my arm stretched across her shoulders, her head resting against my chest. Even though the reason that we're out here is because of something horrible, I feel... happy. For the first time in a long time, I feel happy.

I glance down at Enid, her peaceful face still, her breathing calm and even. There's not much peace left in the world. There's not much that's good. I know that. God, she's beautiful. I lean down and kiss the top of her head softly, making sure not to wake her. When I look back up, I see Michonne turned around in the passenger seat. She looks at Enid, sound asleep, and then at me.  A small, genuine grin grows on her face, and she turns back around, gripping my dad's right hand as he drove.

Cheesy feels! Sorry this took so long guys, I had writer's block! I'm so glad y'all liked my last chapter, so please keep commenting and voting!

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