Welcome to the Sanctuary

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Enid's POV

          "Negan's compound?"

          She nods, "They have the equipment.  They can save him."

          I can't take him to them.  I can't just hand both of us over.  But I also can't let him die.

          "Okay," I mumble, "Let's take him there."

          The archer helps me lift Carl, and we continue, her leading us to our dismal destination.

          "Why are you helping us?" I ask again.  She doesn't look at me, just stares forward.  She ignores the question again, her face stoney.

          "What's your name?" she asks me, still not looking at me.

          I wonder why she cares.  "Enid," I tell her.

          "And what's his name?"  She nods at Carl.


          "Why do you want to save him so badly?"

          I think for a moment, trying to figure out how to put it into words.  "I can't lose anyone else.  I care too much about him. If he died... I don't know what I'd do."

          She gets an odd look on her face, and I can't match an emotion to it.  She remains silent for the rest of the trip.

          After a little while, I can see massive walls in the distance, towering far over the trees. "Is that their base?"

The archer nods solemnly, and as we get closer and closer to the gates, I see her pull out a knife.  I follow suit, knowing that the Saviors understand violence better than negotiation.

          We're only 10 feet from the gates when Carl collapses.

          "Carl!"  His eyes roll back into his head, his body starting to shake.  "What's happening to him?!" I turn to the archer, but she's not by my side anymore.  She's standing by the open gates, a smirk plastered across her face, one of her hands on her hip, the other twirling her knife like it's a toy.

          "He's going into shock from losing blood," she says simply.  "Take 'em," she nods towards us, and three men immediately follow her orders. 

          They approach, and rip me away from Carl.  "NO!"  I scream and scream, but another man comes up behind me, grabbing my hands and tying them behind my back, taking my knife.  "CARL!"  One of the Saviors carries him away.  "What are you doing with him?! Where are you taking him?!"

          "He gets to go to the infirmary,"  the archer tells me as she saunters over to me.  "But you," she places her face close to mine.  "You aren't so lucky."

          She takes my gun.  "Put her with the others."

          "No!"  I struggle against the men holding me, but I can't get free.  They're too strong.  I'm not sure how I thought this was going to go down, but I didn't think she was one of them.  A Savior.

          The archer follows me inside, the gates closing behind her.

          "Welcome to the Sanctuary, sweetheart."

Separation Anxiety (A Carnid Story)Where stories live. Discover now