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Carl's POV

I wake up to a stabbing pain in my chest. Four plain, white walls enclose me in a small room with no windows. The blank door across from me has no windows either, and no knob - at least, not on this side.

Remembering that I got shot, I look down at the right side of my chest, only to find a tube sticking out of it. Blood travels down the tube, into a machine.

"Hey!" I yell, realizing that I'm bound to the bed. "What the hell is this?!" I notice a small camera in the corner. "Where am I?!" I thrash on the bed, trying to get someone's attention.

Then I hear a loud beep, and the door opens and closes quickly, a small girl entering.  She looks to be barely over five feet, and although her build is slim, she seems to be quite muscular for her size.  Brown combat boots adorn her feet, and fitted blue jeans hold a holster with a shiny silver pistol. 

          The girl approaches the table next to me slowly, and opens one of the drawers, pulling out a needle.  She opens a different drawer and retrieves a bottle of some kind.

          "Where am I?" I ask, but the girl doesn't respond.  "Hey, where am I?" I raise my voice, trying to get her to talk to me.

          She sighs, "You're in the infirmary.  You got shot in the chest, and right now we're trying to get the blood out of your lungs."

         "Who are you?"

         "I can't tell you that."

          "Why not?"

          "Because," she inserts the needle into the bottle, filling it.  "We're not supposed to talk to prisoners"

          "Prisoners?"  Suddenly, I remember Enid.  Oh god, I forgot about Enid!  "The girl I came with, where is she?  Is she okay?"

          "I don't know where she is, but she's fine."  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, but immediately gasp as she injects me with... something.  "For now, at least."

          "What was that?" 

          "Pain killer," she walks around the bed, turning off the machine that was pumping blood out of me.  "This is gonna hurt."  She grips the tube in my chest, then yanks it out.


          "Sorry.  Okay, I'm gonna let you go, and then I'm gonna take you outside, and you're not gonna start anything.  Got it?"  I nod, though, judging by her size, I could probably take her.

          She undoes the straps around my feet first, then returns to the head of the bed.  She unhooks the one closest to her, then reaches across me to get the other one.  After she releases my other hand, I grab her head and twist, flipping myself out of bed and getting her in a headlock.

          Just as I turn towards the door, it opens again, and one of the Saviors enters.  He's clearly surprised by the girl's predicament, and runs over, punching me in the face.  My grip on the girl loosens, and she slips away.

          They then escort me outside, the girl leading, visibly unhappy.  Once we're outside, I see the RV.  And everyone.  Everyone.  My dad, Enid, the entire group.  And the archer, who I remember vaguely, stands in front of Enid, blood on her face. I can tell by both of their stances that they just fought, and Enid lost.

"There you are!" the archer says, "Put him next to her." She points to Enid, and the Savior drops me onto my knees beside her.

"Carl..." I hear Enid whisper. I must look like hell.

Separation Anxiety (A Carnid Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin